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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    #176 - Flat / (?) / Dragons / DC talk / Red car / Car park

    by , 12-09-2015 at 01:11 AM (531 Views)
    I've decided to commit to dividing my dreams into sleep cycles since I can now remember my nREM dreams. I didn't really understand how people could recall so many dreams before, but now it makes sense. I think there was ~6 dreams last night that I could remember, I know there was another but I couldn't recall it since I didn't write anything down about it.

    Sleep cycle 1
    Dream 1 - Flat (03:34)
    I woke up to my 2am alarm but I just let it ring for ages and fell asleep again without turning it off. After writing this into my DJ I decided to kick it for the rest of the night. I let myself rest a bit since I've been feeling sleepy during the day because of my night time drea journaling.
    I'm in a block of university flats standing on the driveway, it's quite nice here. My friend Giles is renting one of the apartments and I end up moving next door. It seems to be night time when I do and I seem to get pretty ecstatic about moving here. I'm happy and I end up running back and forth moving things into my room. I think I might be prepping for a gaming binge. I look up and see through the window my mate Giles, he's looking at me with this funny look that makes me laugh a bit. I end up shutting the curtains and hunkering down for the game/TV spree.

    Dream experience: 2 (pretty happy but not too vivid)
    Dream awareness: 0 (No real awareness)

    Sleep cycle (?)
    Dream 1 - (?)
    This dream was pretty damn sexually explicit soo I won't write any details. Pretty much just me and a girl having some fun, I remember a lot of it but I won't write it up ^_^.

    Dream experience: 5 (for obvious reasons, and vivid)
    Dream awareness: 1 (I had a moment where I realized that things seemed a little off, but I was too caught up in it to care)

    Dream 2 - Dragons
    This dream was so vivid.. Everything had a certain crispness to the detail. I was in a large glacial-eroded valley which looked very barren and was filled with craggy rocks on the flood plain. I think there was a river flowing through the middle of it though the area I was in was quite huge and I was a ways off from this stream. On either side of the valley were towering mountains, and behind me (kind of like the entrance to the valley) there was a large structure where everyone was hiding. We were hiding because... There was a powerful dragon around. This dragon was really ferocious looking, it had these craggy looking demonic spikes all over its body and a long neck which made me think it resembled a chinese dragon from the neck onwards. Previously we had managed to all run inside and escape, I believed that the dragon had gone now. I was standing outside, the weather was overcast but it looked so cool. *RROOOARRR* Oh shit... It's back? I look up left towards the mountain peak in the distance, but a different dragon swoops into view. Oh, wow... This really is not good. This dragon is a different colour and slightly different in size and shape, but it still has that insane, crisp, sharp detail to it. Its wings have a certain blue hue to the underside which seem to resonate a sort of magical power. The beast turns its gaze onto the valley, I start running hoping to make it back inside. There's a bunch of other creatures in the valley so I hope that the dragon won't spot me, it's already leapt into the air and started flying down lower. I get the feeling that it will spot me as it gets closer.. I'm too far from the safety zone, the dragon has spotted me and it's swooping up behind me gliding really fast. I stop and get as close to the ground as possible.


    I open my eyes, I must have been knocked unconscious, what happened to me? I'm on a narrow path with two steep cliffs on either side of me, they're somewhat flattened. In front of me is a human shaped figure, but I know who it is. It's the dragon in human form. I have to follow him, he walks down the narrow path in majestic looking robes while I follow behind him.

    Dream experience: 7 (really vivid, cool plot and generally just a cool theme)
    Dream awareness: 2 (felt naturally aware, but not of the dream itself)

    Dream 3 - DC talk
    I think I woke up and fell back asleep, and this dream was a sort of 'continuation' with some massive differences. But the idea that I woke up in a strange place kind of remained and my mind told me that the dragon delivered me to this place.
    I seemed to be in a huge casino building, and the higher the floor you were on the higher your supposed level of power. I think I see a small little cat, poor thing probably hasn't been fed enough, its ears are huge too. I walk forward and I know that I'm on a really high level but I shouldn't be here. I look at a card I'm holding and it says level 0 part 6. Geeze that's weak >_<. I decide it's best that I don't act suspicious, better play it cool for now. I walk around in the level I'm in,

    There's beautiful women everywhere.. Hmm I should go talk to one, but they all seem so busy :/. I start getting the inkling of the fact that I'm dreaming, and as I'm walking I turn and see a man standing behind a bench, maybe he's a barman or something. He's a bit old and dressed rather impeccably.
    I realize I'm dreaming, I mean... Of course I'm dreaming? I just seems so obvious all of a sudden. I don't even need to RC since I feel like the dream is really stable too.
    "Hey can you show me something" I say to the man, I seem to convey to him that I'm not from this level and I got here by accident. The realization of me dreaming kind of happened simultaneously to the thought of saying this, and I had another thought that I actually wanted to ask another question instead. Damn. Too late :/ I wanted to ask him to let me meet someone. I had the intention that I would talk to a different DC but in proper length and ask them lots of questions for my dream goal.
    The man says a few things and I interact with him a bit, then I get ushered to the elevator by another man and they send me down level 0 part 6. Guh, I shouldn't have done that. I walk out into the new floor, looking around me I see that the women are pretty average. I really shouldn't have left that floor >_<. There's a bunch of people playing casinos, gambling is such a waste :/. I decide that there must be at least some pretty women to talk to. (For some reason I get the feeling the a pretty woman is the DC that will be able to answer my questions ). I wake up really abruptly, like I kind of just realized I was in my bed.

    Dream experience: 4 (semi-vivid and lucid, glad I got to talk to a DC but overall pretty meh)
    Dream awareness: 3-6 (at the same time I felt like I was highly lucid, I also felt like there wasn't a lot I could do about being lucid. I should have done a RC)

    Sleep cycle 5 - (>07:00)
    Dream 1 - Red car
    I remember walking with my dad, we're talking about stuff but I can't remember what. We walk through a car park and it's a sunny day. We make it to his car, but it doesn't look like his car. It's a red hyundai rather than white, hmm that's strange.

    Dream experience: 1 (we were just talking and walking to his car. meh)
    Dream awareness: 2 (might have become lucid had I RC when I realized he had a different car)

    Dream 2 - Car park
    I seem to be in the car park of the casino building I was in earlier in the night. I'm with my dad and we're heading to get the car (like a prequel story to the last dream or something). On the way we're near the exit of the car park area (our car was in a different car park) and we see a couple of girls that are advertising the casino place. There's a crowd around them and there's an overseer who's making sure they're doing their job. That's screwed up, they're in such skimpy outfits, they must be freezing. They huddle together and shiver as if to emphasize this thought. Me and my dad step up and try to help them out, we're like protesters or something.

    Dream experience: 4 (seemed pretty emotional and vivid)
    Dream awareness: 1 (not very high awareness)

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