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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    #184 - My house

    by , 12-18-2015 at 08:56 PM (461 Views)
    SC4) 05:30
    Dream - My house
    I'm in a modern house which I seem to own. It's at least 2 stories tall and has a soft grey carpet and glass window railings you can see over to look at the first floor. It's night time and I keep getting up from bed to go to the toilet and also to fill up my water bottle. The toilet is on the other side of the house which is quite far to walk. I do this a couple times, the second time I think to myself that I should just use the toilet next to my room. Why am I walking all the way over here if there's a toilet next to my room? Also, it's so dark and scary over here. There's so many shadows that it feels like someone is hiding in, I'm going to lock this side of the house. I think to myself that I need to find the keys near my room then come back here and lock the door, then I can go sleep in peace again.

    Struggled to wake up at all, I seemed to sleep like a brick right until 5:30. I remember that I did have a few other dreams but I didn't manage to write them down and they never stay in my head until the morning.

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