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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    #185 - Training / Homeless

    by , 12-20-2015 at 03:39 AM (453 Views)
    SC1) 02:08
    I had a hard time falling asleep last night, couldn't get my brain to stop stressing out.
    I'm in my house and I wake up, I think I then start doing some training to fight some boxer (I think there was a boxing ring maybe?). The whole thing feels really symbolic, maybe a result of watching motivational videos.

    SC2) 03:32
    I'm homeless and I'm by the river that runs next to my old university. It's night time and the building nearby is the hospital (in reality it isn't). I'm trying to eat some food, I seem really down on my luck and it seems like there's some youths talking shit about us homeless people. There's another homeless guy who talked to me (he was in his 40s or 50s) and I though he looked quite dirty. I'm not very polite to him, and seem to just try to shoo him away or something. I cross the road to be next to the hospital and sit on a bench near the back entrance (I seem to be at the back of the hospital). I'm just chilling eating my food, in front of me is my skate board lying on the ground (I don't skate in RL). It seems like the youths called the cops and they're trying to get them to take me away for 'loitering'. Damn dude I'm just sitting and eating my food... As the cops talk to the youths and start getting convinced to take me away, the older hobo steps up. It's really inspiring what he says, at the end he said something like "the mans just trying to eat his meal, he ain't go nothing else! You can take me but you can't take him!". I'm overwhelmed by it, why is he being nice to me after I was so rude to him? I start crying in the moment as his words touch me, tears roll freely down my face. The guy walks over and comforts me, he understands my pain and what it means to be alone. The police aren't going to hassle us, even the youths walk away.

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