#216 - Are you my dream guide?
, 03-24-2016 at 11:33 PM (508 Views)
Another lucid there was more to the dream prior to getting lucid but there wasn't much. Last night I meditated for 10 minutes and had a more realization about how being too tired before going to sleep can reduce the chances of me getting lucid. So when I stay up for another 20 minutes and then feel really tired and 'ready' to sleep, I find it harder to dream journal or wake up during the night for LD practices. I decided that this probably affected how tired I am when I do my WBTB, and that I should extend my WBTB's. During my WBTB this morning I did the usual toilet run and mirror RC and then came back to bed and started reading my book. The following lucid was actually 1 of my best in terms of stability and control, while also being able to properly remember dream tasks.
I'm walking home from the village, I've already passed the school and I'm pretty close. The road is the usual unlaned p.o.s. that it is, with the boughs of manuka trees arching overhead forming a sort of tree cathedral. It's quite a sunny day, there isn't much going on. I start realizing that this is a dream, I decide to stabilize myself and feel the sensation of touch. Being able to feel my dream body so clearly tethers me there and stabilizes, but I notice that the world around me darkens. Fuzz. I need it to be light! What makes things light? Fire!
I start focusing on creating fire with my mind, but it's weird.. This is one of those dreams where the world is down-to-earth and things like flying are difficult. I point the palms of my hands at each other and will there to be a spark of fire, but there's nothing..
A blanket of darkness covers everything now, but I spot a couple street lights in the background of the dream. I have a certain understanding that if I can position my hands looking up
at the light then I can trick the dream into thinking it's a fire spark. Doing this the palms of my hands suddenly have a ball of fire growing between them. I lift it up and throw it onto the tree above, it slowly spreads and the world around me begins to brighten with the flickering tongues of flame.
The dream stabilizes once more, I focus on my body now and maintain the sense in the back of my mind so I don't wake up. It's properly night time now and I decide on doing the TotM
"I'm ready for my dream guide!" I shout out to the world, I start heading back down the road towards the village.
"I'm ready for my dream guide!" I continue to hail, above the power lines crossing the street I spot a flying batlike demon. Blagh, no thanks. I keep moving on until I see the group of people that I had seen earlier on in the dream (before I got lucid I passed them on my way home). I spot a very pretty blonde, I approach her and say "are you my dream guide?"
"no" she says, "But would you like to come with me?" a coquettish smile on her face. For a moment I feel the full of caveman mode, but say "no thanks" and leave. About 20 metres later I've passed the school and reached the end of the road, leading to the roundabout by the village. I spot another cute blonde (what's with me and blondes lately?) and think that she probably isn't my dream guide. Butttt... She's cute. I decide to go after her and ask anyway
It was about here that I woke up.