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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    #244 - Naked

    by , 05-19-2016 at 09:41 AM (502 Views)
    I'm walking down the road from where my parents live and I'm near the roundabout that leads to the village. I think I'm pretty damn horny in this dream, and as a result I end up naked and wanting to get off.. But I realize I'm in public, and then that I'm NAKED in public. I feel super uncomfortable but realize it doesn't matter because it's got to be a dream.. There's a super hot chick that shows up and feels my crotch, I feel it's definitely a dream by this point. Me and the girl walk off back up the road away from the village, hoping to find more privacy. I take only 2-3 steps and the drunken-like horny stupor I'm in fades a bit as I don't want to waste my lucidity on dream-sex. I dash off ahead a few steps to get away from the horny gropy hot chick, I try stabilizing but I'm unsuccessful. I slip out of the dream but try to bring it back without success... I think it's partly because of having to wake up at 5:30, it stresses me out because I HAVE to otherwise I won't have time to get ready. Like the feeling of not having enough time, and then things like not wanting to disrupt my sleep cycle for lucid dreaming get pretty annoying too...

    Also.. What's up with the naked in public thing? That's a first O_O
    tranquilitypark likes this.

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