Nov. 11 Dream Journal: Before you die, I'll sing you the song of my people
, 11-11-2013 at 06:33 PM (638 Views)
I dream I'm on a bus going to a rundown mining town. The bus is relatively unremarkable, as most buses are wont to be. The seats are a little uncomfortable, and at various points, the interior resembles the cheap seats in an airplane; so now I'm cranky (both in my dream and also right now) because context: I'm going on a work-related trip to Buttfuck, Nowhere via bus, and I'm NOT looking forward to any of it at all.
ANYWAYS, the bus breaks down, and I have to go out and push. I'm able to push the tour bus by myself, meaning a) Brah, I'm totes burly! and b) Thanks for the help, everyone else on the bus. I'm also able to take in my surroundings at this time: The landscape is a desert landscape, with sun-blistered rocks and a whole lot of nothing. It reminds me of the mining town in Tremors, and wouldn't you know it, I'm now being chased by those desert worm things.
Now, the worm is coming at me at the speed of a pissed-off badger, while I'm inching along at the speed equivalent of, oh, I don't know, a guy who is pushing a bus by himself. Yet somehow, I manage to keep ahead. But eventually, I grow tired of this supposed "chase," and I turn around and kick the worm as it emerges from the ground. There was a brief moment of doubt where I was thinking "do I really want to stick my foot into its ugly maw?" That doubt disappeared when I soccer-kicked it into the sky. The dream fades, but my ego does not.
I next dream of being in the music video of Coma from Guns N' Roses. I am unaware if an official video exists, but in my version, it's just trippy lights that pulsate to a pleasant heartbeat rhythm. It's actually quite soothing. Weird thing is, I have no proof that I'm in the music video except for Dream Knowledge, but otherwise there really isn't any particular sign. This goes on for a while and eventually just fades.
The last dream I can remember has me in an amusement park at night. They are closing, and I'm trying to get to the exit. As I pass by the Merry-Go-Round, I get a thought along the lines of "hey, this is like the opening to that Silent Hill game," and my brain makes the executive decision to go "YEAH! I'm gonna freak you the fuck out!"
And just like that, I'm in the Silent Hill world. Well, shit. The dream fades pretty quickly after that, so I never encountered any of the horrible abominations that I knew were lurking around; but I was still feeling apprehensive the whole time. Dream Knowledge ALSO tells me that these monsters, had I been able to approach them without being noticed, has singing and dancing scripted into their AI behavior.