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    Another car dream last night

    by , 02-29-2020 at 08:43 PM (406 Views)
    I had another car dream last night after not having any memorable dreams the night before. This was the 4th time in the last 5 nights I have had the dream.

    In last nights dream, I again tired listening to my sister while we waited in the car for mom even though her breath reeked like it always does. Whenever my sister talked, what I heard her say were things reminding me that we were waiting in the car for mom and that she was in the window seat and I was stuck in the middle. I did not pick-up on her saying anything important. Just rubbing in how much she was enjoying riding by the window. At one point while we were waiting for mom, I turned around to look at the back seat and saw it was full of boxes so there was nowhere for me to sit back there. I eventually tuned out my sister and tried to ignore her because she wasn't saying anything important and what she was saying was just making the wait worse. She started putting her head on my shoulder and invading my space when I tried to ignore her.

    When mom finally got in, she spent a long time trying to get the car started in the dream. Again, she kept telling me I needed to calm down while she was trying to get it started and said things like she was in control, she was doing the best she could, and that she would get the car started. I noticed her breath reeked whenever she was getting after me. She got out 2 or 3 times last night to look under the hood and each time made it clear that I needed to stay in the car and stay buckled to the middle seat. She seemed to get more and more frustrated about the car not starting as the dream went on. I woke up from the dream while mom was in the car trying to start it.

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