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    Journal #86

    The Curious Case of Jotaro Kujo (was that Alicia Silverstone in the dorm scene?)

    by , 01-05-2011 at 02:48 PM (704 Views)
    1/4/11: Sometimes I don't even understand why I get dreams like this: one where you're running around in circles and running into random people that seem very attractive--and the setting is in a big building. Recently I've been having dreams where there's been some sort of hybrid when it comes to these big buildings: Some are colleges mixed with apartments, while some are independent high schools--next to apartments.

    In one scene, I'm in a dorm inside the body of someone who thinks there has been a failure/cheating. The roommate's had enough of his/her conspiracies.

    "You've got 30 seconds to explain to me what you're talking about." she replies. She looks a lot like Hollywood actress Alicia Silverstone in the face, only younger. I haven't seen ANYTHING movie-wise starring Alicia Silverstone in over 15 years, and I'm 24 now.

    After this, the "running around in circles" thing continued as a different character, running into random people and offices, even accidentally sitting on what appears to be a conveyor belt. I land on the ground, luckily, and on my own two feet.

    I'm guessing this part of the dream came when I thought about doing some JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fanfiction starring a character who has a Stand similar to series main character Jotaro Kujo, Star Platinum, and this was likely everything he (the fanfic character I created) saw, along with the college scene belonging to a character from another work of mine, Tracy Weston.

    A Stand, as many people who are fans of the JJBA comic book series know, is basically a supernatural power. Out of all the "bizarre" dreams I've had, I'd have to say this is one of the top ten, though I don't really see what big buildings have to do with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. One of my goals in life is to be an author, and I think this dream might have been what I needed to get going. I'm new to this JJBA thing, so I guess I'd better read more in order to understand what's going on in each of the arcs.

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