Writing projects turned into a TV show? (James Lafferty? AGAIN?!?!)
, 05-14-2011 at 01:00 PM (870 Views)
5/14: I really don't like when these dreams sneak up on me, but it's OK. This kinda felt like the "Jotaro Kujo" dream four months ago (the last time I wrote here, I had a beige, plain-Jane, boring hard drive running Windows 2000 and it was too slow and every card in the machine failed. Now, I'm using a hard drive running Windows XP--working sound and graphics card and all), except this time it showed me the what the mega-corporation I created in both series, SpiraTech (for 2 writing projects, the Supercar and Insert Coin series) was up to, and it was no good, as always.
I was in this office that looked like a hospital and some of SpiraTech Industries' core members were talking about this project they were working on, bearing a striking resemblance to (you guessed it) James Lafferty. All they had to do was log on to a computer operating Windows XP/Vista/7 using Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox/Opera/Safari, etc., Google him and read all about him on certain websites--which means SpiraTech did their homework, but that's about as far as it got.
In the two series, SpiraTech's main goal--like most villains--is world domination in the world of cars and racing (Supercar) and video gaming (Insert Coin), by doing secret projects to beat the world's best competitors, usually in the form of humans and cars--but most of them on the Supercar side of things backfire on them. They'll also resort to low blows like setting up heists to steal things that are important in history like a Ford Model T or a Spacewar arcade machine.
As much as I'd like to see my 3 writing projects (Supercar, Insert Coin, Education Lane) become TV shows--the second an animated series with 16 to 32-bit Super Nintendo and SEGA Genesis/32x graphics (like G4's Code Monkeys did with 8-bit graphics) and the third a sitcom about teachers, I've still got some work to do, so it may be a while (and I have to find a publisher!). Maybe this dream told me to get to work and stop wasting time. For me, getting ideas are sometimes easy while others difficult. I just need to get more organized, that's all.