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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Medical Paddling, I Eat Monsters, Winner?, Work Sucks, Wal-Mart

    by , 07-01-2012 at 04:28 PM (733 Views)
    1)Medical Paddling

    I was having restless legs and i think thats what triggered the dream. There was a method to paddle your feet. Sort of alternate moving your toes. It was medically beneficial. I watched as some people worked out toxin build up. They had gray spots on their feet. A doctor had me try it.

    2)I Eat Monsters

    I see a floor vent appear on the foot of my bed. I am alone and in a different house. I mentally see the duct run under ground to a empty house across the street. Then, an evil clown doll (it looks a lot like the It clown) comes out to kill me. But I am ready. I swing at it and it goes back in.

    I am afraid but I'm really pissed it is bothering me. Then I am screaming at it. "Hey! Come one you little bitch! Let's go little bitch! I'm waiiiitiinnnng! What's a matter? You fucking bitch! Little pussy run and hide? Come on! Come on! Piece of shit!"

    Then it pops out and I have a pair of orange handled scissors. I try to chop its head off but it has the same pair and blocks me. We snip our scissors at each other for a bit before he ducts back down. I take the vent cover and slam it on.

    Then I see a little claw like a bears pushing the vent off. It comes out and crawls onto my bed. It is detached and moving on its own. I just watch and wait. It looks really odd like its made of a nutty bar. But I know it is the clown in disguise.

    So I quickly grab it and start eating it. Want to kill it so I just take bites and chew it up real fine and spit it out. I am a little scared to actually eat it. It is soft but tough like beef jerky. I find a metallic piece in my mouth. It feels like a earphone jack. I just chew it up too and spit. Chew and spit until its gone. I see chewed up evil clown bits on my white blanket. Then I see my daughter telling me something when I wake up.


    I win like $150 playing pool with Richard. Then it get weird the game is like some sort of machine and the pool balls are on cup things. I am taking my final shot and I win again. The machine spits out my winnings. I see Richard and he is drunk. I look at what the machine gave me and it is vouchers and checks. I look at his checks and it is just signed and has the amounts. something like $43.37 and $69.15. But there is no other information so I ask him but he is drunk and useless. I head to the bank hoping to get my money.

    4)Work Sucks

    There is something about the mold shop. I don't remember why I'm there. Something about Frank. He said he want to bid out. We seem to be waiting to leave. Then, I am leaving work and walking outside to my car. But everything is messed up. There are new out building and we have more parking area. I see Jeremy and Jon and I tell them something about how I miss one day and everything changes.

    Then I am alone. I am walking on a gravel road. I parked way out there. So I start jogging. I hear car coming too fast behind my. I heard the pops and crunches the tires make and it is real close. I glance back and see I better move. It is a truck and it goes around me fish tales on the curve. I notice the truck is gray with a darker gray bed. There are some sort of red decals on the side. The hubcaps are odd. They are gray and solid with something like a spider decal in the center. The windows were tented. I didn't recognize the truck and I couldn't see who it was. I just gave them a dirty look and shrugged it off.

    I try to remember where I parked. I am still jogging. I see really tall grass where I was trying to go and a lot of mud puddles. My car isn't there. I look on the other side. I think I see it past the tall grass. I start to run in there but I hear a strange sound like a snake. So I pause and go down a little more. I see yellow tubs were the grass is growing out. I finally see a path and take it to my car. I wake up.


    Fragment about working at Wal-Mart. I was going something in the back employee area and cash registers.

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    1. Xanous's Avatar
      I really like how #2 could have been a nightmare but I ate it. LOL.
    2. Caenis's Avatar
      Haha, Xanous, your dreams are getting stranger. I like it! You remember your dreams so vividly now too. Do you remember what the clown tasted like, or do you mainly remember the texture?
    3. Xanous's Avatar
      Lol. Just the texture. I remember very well there being no taste.