for some reason, i am in someones car.... so then i open the door on exit, then close it then say a rhyme, i open it say another rhyme, close it, say another rhyme then it goes on for like 2 minutes then my dad told me to shut the (hell?) up and get in the car.
im in a room with my mom, she is on the computer typing something... lol so i see a centipeed on the table i backed up from it and went on one of those chairs with the wheels so im lying in the chair so then my mom flicks the centipeed so then i feel some thing crawling on my left chest, so i didn't bother to look so then i think i screamed and woke up... XD
so for some reason, i knew i was dreaming so i had spaghetti in my hand (wth) so then i was walking out of the house, so my mom said to me "finish the spaghetti" so i still walked out, but for some reason, the spaghetti was gone... so i continued walking... so then i went into some place with a guy, he was talking about a shooting about a guy who shot is friend, so when i walked in, he randomly assumed it was me so then he shot me XD so everything was black for about 1 minute so then i got up and ran out of the place while he was chasing me, so i jumped off a clift, and holy *** it was amazing, i was flying! so then i flew into this place full of people, so i said "EVERYONE MOVE!!" so then everyone moved.. for some reason, in the dream my name was SkrillMau5... so someone said skrillmau5 is awesome so then i jumped out the window and flew over this steep clift, you know that feeling you get after a steep drop on a rollercoaster? you wouldn't believe how epic that felt in this dream! XD so then i fell into a car and starting driving, i knocked a guy off the road his car exploded (LOL) so then we were driving steep steep ALMOST VERTICAL i felt like i was gonna fall out of the car XD so then i was driving in the most illogical place ever... (upside down) so then i felt like i was gonna fall out of the car so then i woke up. THE END. :D
i am standing in the middle of my drive way looking into the bright vivid sky then suddenly this cloud appears... it was shapped as an angel, i starting backing up away from the cloud as it fell on my drive way i am now looking at the cloud, i think it was staring at me i call my dad and my sister to come see it. my sister says "whoa" and my dad didn't do anything so then the cloud just vanished after i am yelling ANGEL ANGEL!!! so then my dad and my sister just left so then another cloud appears it was shapped as an angel and looked like a female, so i was watching the cloud come down to the floor and it started to fly around me about 10mph so then it wrapped some thing around my leg (in a good way cause we were playing) so then i took it off because i was starting to enter a new dreamscape, and before i could say goodbye, she vanished.