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    The Most Vivid Dream I've Ever Had In My Entire Life

    by , 03-17-2013 at 06:25 PM (520 Views)
    So I was walking down the street, then all of a sudden, my sister turns into a car and drives off, this fat clown comes out of nowhere and says:"HEYY MY CAR!!!!!" So I just looked at the clown and he starts chasing me, I ran down the street and stopped infront of a rainbow, it was epic, I put my hand through the rainbow, feeling lots and lots of power, it was amazing. So then I ran into MC donalds and hid by the window. The clown ran in and he passed RIGHT BY ME, but it turns out.. He was only there to get the MC donalds. LOL. So then I ran out of the place, I turned in to a 4 year old, and our teacher said "BRB GOING TO THE WASHROOM" then she ran away.. Then I woke up.

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