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    1. Lost in the woods+task

      , 12-29-2012 at 09:37 AM
      Non lucid:
      I'm doing an online survey about movies and TV shows. There are some questions about ARGs.

      Non lucid:
      Okay, this is a sorta weird, creepy one about a movie (the blair witch project). You guys ever dream that you are IN a movie you've just seen? As in, being a character (for example: you are a random Jedi in Star Wars) in the movie. Well, I kinda had that about this movie last night, I'm sure everyone here has seen it before, as it's quite famous. Okay, well the dream kind of followed the main plot, especially the part where they are first realizing that they are lost. Except in my dream we (me+main characters) climbed up a tree to see where we were (I really kept thinking they should do that while watching the movie, actually).

      Walking around some weird office, I know I am dreaming. I remember I read about the task of the month, and decide to do it. First, I decide to sing a song, so I sing Jingle Bells, it's the only one I can think of. Then I decide to make it snow, as that was the other basic task, I look out of the window and imagine the sun disappearing and snow falling down. And of course it happens. I get excited, I want to do one of the advanced tasks but I lose lucidity too fast.
    2. LD+dream goal achieved :D

      , 12-21-2012 at 11:26 AM
      I'm walking through a hallway with elevators, and I think I might be dreaming. So I look at my hands (my standard reality check) and I see that I am. I just remembered I had a dream goal to fight like Neo (Matrix) and that this would be a great time to do so. I fought some Agen Smith clones, coming from the elevators, like in the later movies and it was a lot of fun. I also dodged bullets. Then I got a false awakening during 'sleep walking' while staying over at a friend's house, in a big room with large windows. I find it rather emberrasing that I have been sleep walking, especially since the entire town was able to see me through the large windows. I might have become lucid again at some point, but my recall isn't very good. My control was very, very bad during tonights lucid dreams, though.
    3. Odd non-lucid

      , 12-20-2012 at 01:16 PM

      Non-lucid, incomplete:
      I dreamed about a webseries called EverymanHYBRID, some of you might have seen it. Anyway, so we were sitting in a circle and Evan whispers something in Vince' ear about having been to elementary school with me. He tells him that he once dumped a hand full of caterpillars in the hood of my coat (this actually once happened to me in elementary school). I got really angry and planned on killing him. For some reason halfway through we became a couple though. And I met his dad, and he was really not so nice, I talked to him about God, though. And he lived with his dad and shared a room with a little brother and sister, and had a very dangerous set of stairs somewhere in his house. It was really fucked up.

      Maybe it was because I haven't exercised, or had a very long LD last night, but last night was a bit fucked up. The reason I dreamed about the web series is because I had been working on a script for my own web series, and my brother came over, and we are both big fans of SlenderARGs. The first part seems to symbolise my own agression and antagonistic attitude towards anyone who gets close to me. I find it rather typical that I had such a relationship to THIS character, as he, himself would already be sufficient for symbolising the agression, in a way, he would almost symbolise myself (I relate very strongly with this character to begin with). So it is peculiar thar I had this kind of relationship with him in my dream, especially since by the end of it, it was turned around completely. The second part seems very symbolic for my relationship with my sort-of-kind-of-complicated-partner. Again I see similarities between the characters, though less strong. It was very much like our relationship, the feeling was very similar too. The father talking about God could be my own search for faith. The younger siblings reflect both my "complicated's" younger sister, and also my own desire to have a real sibling (my half brother never lived with us and is 12 years older), this desire is especially strong around the holidays.
    4. Boring long LD and weird dream

      , 12-19-2012 at 01:47 PM
      I go to bed at 22.00 pm with an extra strong melatonin supplement and an aspirin (500 mg). I ran 3 miles that evening like always. I take a Temazepam (20 mg) at 23.00 pm.

      I walk around town, I see a car. For some odd reason I feel I need to check reality. So I look at my fingers, and see, I have 6! I stabilize, because I used to forget stabilizing a lot and I would wake up or have a very weak dream. I decide I want to go to the moon, so I do that. It is very dark there and it gives me the creeps, so instead I decide I want to go somewhere serene, perhaps a nice field with some water. I try to make a scenery, but fail the first time. It is a boring, cold, wet little park in the middle of town. I try again, and there it is, a beautiful place, with flowers and a river flowing gently through it. It is warm and nice, a perfect place to meditate. I decide to meditate, and for some reason my body flies up in the air while I am lying down. I decide that it's normal, because I am dreaming and these things happen in even the most stable dreams. I keep meditating for a while because I was tired, even too tired to do much while SLEEPING, I know it sounds odd, and I also thought it was kinda weird to be honest. I decide I want to take a walk, at the time I felt the lucidity slipping and my control getting even shakier than it was before. For some odd reason there is an ugly, rusty, old, blue car standing in my scenery. I want to get rid of it because it is ugly. I try to make it disappear, but I only succeed in cramming it into a sort of wrinkled lump of iron. I get frustrated and feel the vividity slipping FAST now, I try to stabilize, but it is too late.
      I wake up. It is 5.30 am.

      I'm standing in line for a doctor's appointment with my friend/sort-of-complicated-person. The assistant at the desk picks up a strange looking, khaki trench coat and a grey scarf, and says they used to belong to Hitler. My friend puts it on and it changes colour to red and becomes longer. I say he looks like a vampire and that it looks cool. Never once do I find the situation odd in any way.
      My alarm goes off and I wake up. It is 7.00 am.

      Something about being pregnant and trying to get an abortion, but the fetus surviving. Presumingly right before waking or just after falling asleep.

      The dream that turned lucid was surprisingly normal, almost exactly like real life. The non-lucid dreams were much weirder and more random.