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    short notes

    by , 12-01-2020 at 04:09 AM (345 Views)
    Don't feel like DJ but will write out notes to expand for later if that seems more interesting later.

    2020 11 28

    Zombie rounds, waypoint, redo + failed (gun doesn't work, short knife)
    Crocodile school lady chicken
    ff7 like
    Paul yugioh - message : be yourself

    -meditation sloppy

    11 29
    Triad/mafia comedy hands (stephen chow - story about a young man being mistake for a gang leader)
    Run away pedestrian roads waterfountain "karen" (hive mind)
    lucid moment (oh I"m dreaming)

    thought: awareness + feeling brings it about

    11 30

    1 lucid moment (noticing awareness)
    some dream, no note - remember now. MOm backyard, MOLES stabbed. Girl dad knife stabbed poison kidnapped. Detective POV now. (knife short again - reoccurring theme)
    2 lucid moments dream vision + something else (was awareness)

    -find your own way... be yourself.
    -wbtb alternative? (background voice?)

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