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    Thread: Wurlmans workbook DILD

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      Wurlmans workbook DILD

      Hey guys my name is Wurlman I'm 23 and I've been practicing lucid dreaming for about a year now. It's only been the past three months that I have really takin a vow of self plenishment to quit anything unhealthy that may void my ability to LD. I want to say how excited I am to finally start a workbook with ur class I went through Ophelia's beginners class and I'm almost finished. I also want to say that u won't wast ur time with me, what I mean is I have read a few of the other workbooks and it seems many are quick to stray away I want all the help I can so please inlightin me with ur knowledge. I do about 15 rc's a day finger checks palm push throughs and also awareness rc's I remember about 2 to 3 dreams a night and recored all by voice on my phone. I have obtained lucidity about ten times and only two were stabile. I want to become as good as the people I read about this is in amazing gift that I must harness! I want to teach my son when he gets old enougft to understand!! I have also been practicing wild but my attempts r few and far between I have became frustrated and plan on going back to mild on my wbtb's I set 3 dream alarms and 1 for work. Any tips tricks or questions please I would love to hear from you!!! Well it's bed time so hopefully I have in interesting story for u in the morning sweet dreams!!

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      USA gab is offline
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      I'm glad to see you here, welcome! Amazing gift - that's exactly how I feel about it.

      1. Add some different RCs, in case one failes, you can double check and triple check.

      2. Recall sounds great.

      3. It took me about 35 LDs for them to be little more stable and longer than just seconds. So stable dreams may come with experience, with you knowing what's coming and not getting too excited.
      Also trying out different stabilization techniques. Probable best is slow down, don't think you have to hurry, because your dreams are short. Engage all senses, while slowly walking, stomping, clapping, touching, smelling, tasting and talking.

      4. I used to get up when I woke up naturally, after about 4 hrs. of sleep. Of course, the longer you sleep, the better. Then stay up for a few minutes and try WBTB for DILD.

      5. I recommend you read WILD class. It has huge amount of great info about awareness, WBTB, mantras, and all lessons are just great to read. And Dream yoga class is good for DILDs and life in general.

      6. In one of the LDing books I have, author described, how he tought a child about lucid dreaming. I don't remember exactly, but I believe he simply told him, that if he has a bad dream, he can make the monster go away, because it's his dream and he is in control. Kids are really good at LDing, long before they go on internet to find out about it.

      I probably left something out. Please ask. Happy dreams

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      Hey thanks for taking the time to write on my workbook gab! I try and do at least 2 rc's at a time. I have dabbled a bit into sagouse wild class it is very interesting one thing I forgot that I wanted to mention was all of my ld's have been dild so I hope that this workbook takes me a bit farther! 35 ld's huh well I got a ways to go lol but I love the progress I've made! How long have u been lding gab?? Sometimes I don't have enough time to even slow down. One o my biggest problems is the hand RC I was fine in my stable dream but the second I looked at my hand my heart started to race I don't know what it is but I hate doing the hand RC lol my next goal is rubbing my hands togeather! Also I have read Stephen laberge ETWOLD. Is there any other books that u might recommend??? Thanks again hope everyone has a good day!
      Last edited by Wurlman; 07-10-2012 at 02:11 PM.

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      My buddy hooked me up on some audio laberge material today on awareness and it was very nice to finally listen to something and practice rather than read and hope u don't miss out!

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      USA gab is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by Wurlman View Post
      Hey thanks for taking the time to write on my workbook gab! I try and do at least 2 rc's at a time. I have dabbled a bit into sagouse wild class it is very interesting one thing I forgot that I wanted to mention was all of my ld's have been dild so I hope that this workbook takes me a bit farther! 35 ld's huh well I got a ways to go lol but I love the progress I've made! How long have u been lding gab?? Sometimes I don't have enough time to even slow down. One o my biggest problems is the hand RC I was fine in my stable dream but the second I looked at my hand my heart started to race I don't know what it is but I hate doing the hand RC lol my next goal is rubbing my hands togeather! Also I have read Stephen laberge ETWOLD. Is there any other books that u might recommend??? Thanks again hope everyone has a good day!
      About slowing down - this will sound funny, but I practiced this in waking life. I just stand up in my room (make sure blinds are closed ) and pretend I just got lucid. So I touch my hands, clap them together, touch my shirt, look at my pants, smell the air. All this, while I'm saying out loud "slow down" "stabilize". Well what to you know, it worked. I had to do this, because I had just seconds long LDs and I realized, I start LD and I just start rushing to stabilize, because I know, LD will be short and have to hurry to have time to do something. But this knowing that LDs are short, probably also made them short later on, when they should have been longer alredy. But I expected them to be short, so they obliged.

      2 RCs should be ok, but if you can, add some more. I made a list of some of the most succesfull RCs here. You never know which one stucks to your mind better.

      Keep that enthusiasm! Believing in yourself is one of the most important things in achieving LDs.

      I'm LDing since 10/3/11. Very memorable day in my history.

      If the hand RC is waking you up, no need to do that. You can substitute it with touching the ground, or any other nearby object. Hands are recommended, because they are always there for a quick RC. But so is ground.

      ETWOLD is really good. Here is a thread with more book recommendations. This is my favorite:

      Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self - Robert Wagonner - excellent info with actual examples from authors LDs about self-exploration. Absolutelly amazing book.

      So have fun and Happy dreams

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      Wow I think this is really going to help thank u so much! I will look through the list and find a few more rc's to do an as for the real life ld experience I will do that 2 times a day I have just the room for it! Thanks again. That book is not at barns and noble so I will have to buy from amazon I've seen it haven't read it though.

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      I've been practicing slowing down in real life And thinking as if I just became lucid I have to say it def. helps my imagination a lot I found I can think up/daydream more vivid pictures I'm not sure this is the reason but in sure it also helps.

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      Quote Originally Posted by Wurlman View Post
      I've been practicing slowing down in real life And thinking as if I just became lucid I have to say it def. helps my imagination a lot I found I can think up/daydream more vivid pictures I'm not sure this is the reason but in sure it also helps.
      I'm pretty sure that's the reason. Our mind is incredibly intricate and if all it needs for you to have a lucid dreams is some intent and looking at your hands, than I believe, we can do anything just by thinking about it.

      And yes, I got my books from Amazon too. BN can order it for you, but price is probably better on Amazon.

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      I finally did it. I was not lucid apon returning to my dream but I did manage to hop back into the dream that was taking place I just pictured the beautiful bootie that was in front of me when I was dreaming as I drifted back off and it was a new scenario but same girl!! Cool stuff

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      I guess that was easy to imagine, heh. Congrats. Sounds like a DEILD. Do you think it was it?

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      I think it was but not lucid so close but better then not ever being able to go back into dreams my girl can do it really welll. What do u do for awareness gab? Mine is getting better but do u try Ada or sat?

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      I do some form of Sporadic awareness I call RAT - random awareness that I describe in my tut. I guess I'm not as disciplined as I should be to do ADA.

      I put really strong feelings into my awareness moments, really considering, that I could be in a dream at that very moment. Especially, since I read a book "The Tibetan yogas of dream and sleep" in which they say, that everything is just a dream, even the reality we call waking life.

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