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      Raziiel's Workbook (The Frenchy's Workbook)

      Hi everyone and welcome to The Frenchy's Workbook

      First I want to say thank you to Fogelbise because I'm here thanks to him

      My name is Bryan you can also call me Raziiel, I'm 20, I'm a student and as you've seen it in the title I'm French and I live in Bordeaux. About this, you'll see that my english is not perfect but I'll do my best

      I discovered LDs about a week ago and I got really interested in it, I read something like 3 to 4 hours a day about LDs and I'm not bored at all, since I discovered LDs I'm trying to have one and I'll never give up until I get one

      Let's get to the most interesting part, I started a DJ the first night and I'm using mantras to improve my recall, I feel like it's working, I remember at least one dream a night and the first night I tried I remembered 5 dreams. Usually I remember 2 dreams a night.
      I also started to do RCs since the day I discovered LDs, at first I was only looking at my hands but now while I look at my hands I'm thinking about what I've done before in my day and I'm questioning reality, I'm also trying to use the ADA technique but it's pretty difficult to maintain awareness for a long time, at night I pinch my nose because it's dark and I can't see my hands ^^

      My first goal in a LD is to fly so when I'm remembering my dreams and searching where I should have seen that it was a dream I like to imagine myself doing a RC and starting to fly around.
      I started with the MILD technique using a simple mantra, "When I dream, I realize that I dream", I'm also doing WBTB as I read that it increases the chances to get a LD by 5, I discovered the SSILD techniques 2 days ago and I used it 2 times after a WBTB. (You'll have the details on this thread http://www.dreamviews.com/induction-...-ssild-40.html)
      Yesterday, I said to myself multiple times that I'll wake up in 5 hours and I succeeded it was the first time I was trying to do a WBTB without an alarm clock so I'm pretty happy about that
      For now I didn't get any LDs but I had 3 FAs the last one that I had was with the SSILD technique and I'm also pretty happy about this one because I questioned reality in the dream even if I didn't get lucid I think that's a good start and I'm sure I'll get one

      For the next days I think I'm going to stuck with ADA and RCs during day and MILD WBTB and SSILD at night, I'll be a lot on the forum reading about LDs and I am also reading on of Laberge's book.

      I'll try to post everything important that I'm doing and I hope this Workbook will help me in my quest for lucidity

      Let me know if I forget something or if you have any question I'll be happy to answer
      Last edited by Raziiel; 04-17-2016 at 12:04 PM.

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      Welcome Raziiel! It sounds like you have a good foundation of practices starting out! Yes, ADA can be a bit overwhelming. If you find that you risk burning yourself out (that you are feeling overworked) with your practices, you can probably take a break from the ADA, but try to keep up the rest of what you are doing. I have had success without ADA, but find that the various practices lead me to being more aware over the years.

      My first goal in a LD is to fly so when I'm remembering my dreams and searching where I should have seen that it was a dream I like to imagine myself doing a RC and starting to fly around.
      This is a great practice to do anytime while awake and can be fun and get you excited about the lucid adventures that you will be having!

      Let us know if you have any questions!
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      I tried again to do a WBTB - SSILD yesterday and since I had a little trouble falling asleep the last time, I decided to stay in bed and to do nothing, unfortunately I fell asleep really quick so tonight I'm gonna try to get up and go to the toilet or something like that to stay awake longer
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      Exactly, experimenting with the right amount of time awake and/or up out of bed is the right way to go. Everyone is different, but I have the highest rate of success when I have a little trouble getting back to sleep (but importantly, I always do get back to sleep, unless it is quite late in the morning). You are on the right track!
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      Thanks this encourage me
      I'll try again tonight I'll tell you what happened tomorrow
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      Well I tried but I went to bed really late and I'm working so I managed to remember one dream but I didn't get lucid I was so tired that my attempt for a WBTB was a total failure ^^
      I think I'm gonna go to bed earlier tonight and I'll not set an alarm just try to wake up naturally and if not it'll be good to sleep
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      Quote Originally Posted by Raziiel View Post
      Well I tried but I went to bed really late and I'm working so I managed to remember one dream but I didn't get lucid I was so tired that my attempt for a WBTB was a total failure ^^
      I think I'm gonna go to bed earlier tonight and I'll not set an alarm just try to wake up naturally and if not it'll be good to sleep
      Ive learned that doing mutiple WBTBs help a lot with dream recall. Setting and alarm will wake you up during a Dream most times which allows you to recall them better. Waking up nautrally can be a lot harder, we normally wake up after the stage has finished and would be more difficult to recall more than 1 dream.
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      Quote Originally Posted by Habba View Post
      Ive learned that doing mutiple WBTBs help a lot with dream recall. Setting and alarm will wake you up during a Dream most times which allows you to recall them better. Waking up nautrally can be a lot harder, we normally wake up after the stage has finished and would be more difficult to recall more than 1 dream.
      Yeah you're right about that but I feel really tired since I'm working hard these days, I'll do a lot more attempt during week-ends but right now I'm exhausted ^^
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      Quote Originally Posted by Raziiel View Post
      Yeah you're right about that but I feel really tired since I'm working hard these days, I'll do a lot more attempt during week-ends but right now I'm exhausted ^^
      That's one of the big disadvantages of WBTB. Although, you don't have to use an alarm to wake you up, you can drink 2-4 glasses of water before you head to sleep and will find yourself waking a few times a night. If your working you could go to bed an hour earlier so you have time for WBTB.
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      Quote Originally Posted by Habba View Post
      That's one of the big disadvantages of WBTB. Although, you don't have to use an alarm to wake you up, you can drink 2-4 glasses of water before you head to sleep and will find yourself waking a few times a night. If your working you could go to bed an hour earlier so you have time for WBTB.
      I'll try that tonight I also read that drinking half of a glass of something before going to bed and setting your intention on finishing it when you wake up was good but even with all this things since I'm working on something important these days I'm always thinking and I can't ADA because of that, I'm also doing way less RCs than usual but I'll give SSILD another try and maybe I should try another induction technique I don't know
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      Try to take a good look at your surroundings when you RC, visualizing yourself becoming lucid and flying could really help you a great deal too!
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      Yesterday I managed to wake up 2 times during the night and I remembered 3 dreams, one of them was very hazy but the 2 others were pretty clear
      I think I'm going to stuck with SA or ADA I dont really know what I'm doing but I'm trying to be more aware.
      And about the SSILD I still don't know if I'm doing it right or not, yesterday I did one or two cycles and my mind starts to wander so I try to focus harder and did some cycles, the same thing happened again my mind was wandering and I focused it, I did this 3 to 4 times and then I felt like my body was floating above my bed it was a really nice feeling and I felt like big vibrations passing through my body and I start seeing a lot of colors and forms moving behind my eyelid and I think I started to think too much, I was like "Oh yeah something is happening I'm going to get an LD" and nothing happened it sorts of fade out and I wasn't able to fall asleep on my back so I decided to turn around and sleep.
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      It sounds like you are doing SSILD right to have gotten that far into the falling asleep process with awareness! As you seem to suggest, it is best to not think "oh yeah something is happening." It is better to passively observe it as best as you can. When I first read that you had felt like you were floating above your bed I was thinking that you may have already been in the dream, but it became less clear if that was the case from the other descriptions. Some of them sound like HH's (hypnagogic hallucinations) and some of them sound like a dream, possibly even NREM dreaming. Either way, it is typically best to stay patient and passive as a beginner and wait for a full scene to form. For myself, it seems that any vibrations I notice are stronger the closer I am to REM, but that is nothing proven. It is certainly okay to roll over and go to sleep as that will give you a good chance for a DILD with all of that awareness and intention that you built up performing the SSILD cycles, and that is what I typically do. Sometimes SSILD puts me to sleep but seems to leave a little underlying awareness that pops up as soon as vibrations or other similar experiences start, creating what I call a WILD-like entry (but with the loss of awareness, it would technically be a DILD…but who cares as long as you get to a lucid dream).

      Good progress! Give SSILD a good 30 days I suggest.

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      Quote Originally Posted by Raziiel View Post
      I wasn't able to fall asleep on my back so I decided to turn around and sleep.
      Always do a RC even if you think you're awake, I heard a lot of FAs occur with this technique.
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      Quote Originally Posted by Pornocrates View Post
      Always do a RC even if you think you're awake, I heard a lot of FAs occur with this technique.
      Indeed! I think we talked a little about this on the SSILD thread, but even I forgot that to consider that, when you said you rolled over to go to sleep, you could have been in an FA already! Great reminder Pornocrates!
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      Quote Originally Posted by fogelbise View Post
      It sounds like you are doing SSILD right to have gotten that far into the falling asleep process with awareness! As you seem to suggest, it is best to not think "oh yeah something is happening." It is better to passively observe it as best as you can. When I first read that you had felt like you were floating above your bed I was thinking that you may have already been in the dream, but it became less clear if that was the case from the other descriptions. Some of them sound like HH's (hypnagogic hallucinations) and some of them sound like a dream, possibly even NREM dreaming. Either way, it is typically best to stay patient and passive as a beginner and wait for a full scene to form. For myself, it seems that any vibrations I notice are stronger the closer I am to REM, but that is nothing proven. It is certainly okay to roll over and go to sleep as that will give you a good chance for a DILD with all of that awareness and intention that you built up performing the SSILD cycles, and that is what I typically do. Sometimes SSILD puts me to sleep but seems to leave a little underlying awareness that pops up as soon as vibrations or other similar experiences start, creating what I call a WILD-like entry (but with the loss of awareness, it would technically be a DILD…but who cares as long as you get to a lucid dream).

      Good progress! Give SSILD a good 30 days I suggest.

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      Yeah I knew that getting exited wasn't good at all but it happened to me and it was already too late
      I heard that some people are like "jumping" into the HH's but I really dont understand how we're supposed to do that ?
      What is a NREM a Natural Dream during REM ?
      And sorry about the likes I didn't know it was important I'll do it I promise

      And how can I do multiple quotes I don't find it ^^

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      Quote Originally Posted by Pornocrates View Post
      Always do a RC even if you think you're awake, I heard a lot of FAs occur with this technique.
      I don't remember exactly, I think I did one but maybe it was already too late
      Last edited by Raziiel; 04-21-2016 at 06:52 AM.

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      What is a NREM a Natural Dream during REM
      Non rapid Eye Movement. Also known as dreamless sleep.
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      Quote Originally Posted by Habba View Post
      Non rapid Eye Movement. Also known as dreamless sleep.
      I just read this thread http://www.dreamviews.com/beyond-dre...lta-sleep.html I think I get what it is but thanks

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      Quote Originally Posted by Raziiel View Post
      (1)I heard that some people are like "jumping" into the HH's but I really dont understand how we're supposed to do that ?
      (2)What is a NREM a Natural Dream during REM ?
      (3)And sorry about the likes I didn't know it was important I'll do it I promise

      (4)And how can I do multiple quotes I don't find it ^^
      (1) That is an advanced WILD technique. I suggest to try to stay calm and let the scene come to you.
      (2) I see you found a great thread on it.
      (3) No apology necessary at all!
      (4) It is that button just to the right of "Reply With Quote." You click on that button until you get to the last post you are quoting and just click on the "Reply With Quote" button to combine them all into one reply post.
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      Last night I didn't wake up in the night, I just slept and I dreamed a lot but, about that I have a question, how can I know if I remember several dreams or if it's just the same dream with different places ?
      Because I feel like I remember 3 dreams, one very hazy and the 2 others much clearer but maybe during my dream I have just moved from on place to another and I dont remember the whole dream right ?

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      Quote Originally Posted by Raziiel View Post
      Last night I didn't wake up in the night, I just slept and I dreamed a lot but, about that I have a question, how can I know if I remember several dreams or if it's just the same dream with different places ?
      Because I feel like I remember 3 dreams, one very hazy and the 2 others much clearer but maybe during my dream I have just moved from on place to another and I dont remember the whole dream right ?
      It comes down to your awareness and presence in the dreams, which will come with time and practice. I wouldn't worry about if each dream segment is truly a separate dream or not at this point, just practice recalling as much as you can. When you are truly present in the dream you will wake up feeling like you were just there, just in another dimension and you will remember any transitions in the dream better. This is very common coming out of lucid dreams.
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      Yesterday I went to bed around midnight, I used MILD a little bit and since I was tired I fell asleep really quick.
      I knew that I couldn't get up naturally in the night to do a WBTB SSILD (because I'm tired, I tried the night before but nothing happened) so I set an alarm clock at 4h30.
      When I woke up my alarm was ringing loud and I think that the reason why I wasn't able to remember my dreams, I decided to try the WBTB still so I used the toilet stayed up something like 15 minutes and went back to bed.
      I started the cycles and again my mind was wandering a lot maybe the WBTB was too short but I tried to do it and I think I fell asleep while doing it.
      I remember waking up 2 times during the night I think they were the little waking times between sleep cycles (I think I read that somewhere).
      And this morning when I woke up I had the impression that I wasn't remembering anything but I focused and stayed lay in bed during 5 minutes and something started to come back and as I started to write down my dreams everything was coming back I wrote my dreams during 20 minutes and like I said yesterday I don't know if it was different dreams or just segments but I remembered 6 "segments" !
      And that's not the only thing that was the first time my dreams were vivid like that, everything seems so real I still have them in my mind, so even if I didn't get lucid I'm really happy about these improvements and I hope I'll get my first LD soon
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      Quote Originally Posted by Raziiel View Post
      And that's not the only thing that was the first time my dreams were vivid like that, everything seems so real I still have them in my mind, so even if I didn't get lucid I'm really happy about these improvements and I hope I'll get my first LD soon
      That is actually a really important point, I remember someone on Reddit (Username: DreamHacker I think) saying that you get hours of non lucid dreams for free. As soon as you try to induce LDs you focus a lot more on them and therefore improve you DR and the vividness of your dreams, but many see non lucid dreams as failures and that's a big issue. The perfect attitude towards LDing would be to love each one of your dreams without stressing about LDing because it will come eventually and that way you don't burn out or lose motivation!
      Once you start having crazy vivid dreams it's funny anyway!
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      ^Great point @Pornocrates! I know FryingMan and I feel strongly about this!

      Quote Originally Posted by Raziiel View Post
      Yesterday I went to bed around midnight, I used MILD a little bit and since I was tired I fell asleep really quick.
      I knew that I couldn't get up naturally in the night to do a WBTB SSILD (because I'm tired, I tried the night before but nothing happened) so I set an alarm clock at 4h30.
      When I woke up my alarm was ringing loud and I think that the reason why I wasn't able to remember my dreams, I decided to try the WBTB still so I used the toilet stayed up something like 15 minutes and went back to bed.
      (1)I started the cycles and again my mind was wandering a lot maybe the WBTB was too short but I tried to do it and I think I fell asleep while doing it.
      (2)I remember waking up 2 times during the night I think they were the little waking times between sleep cycles (I think I read that somewhere).
      (3)And this morning when I woke up I had the impression that I wasn't remembering anything but I focused and stayed lay in bed during 5 minutes and something started to come back and as I started to write down my dreams everything was coming back I wrote my dreams during 20 minutes and like I said yesterday I don't know if it was different dreams or just segments but I remembered 6 "segments" !
      (4)And that's not the only thing that was the first time my dreams were vivid like that, everything seems so real I still have them in my mind, so even if I didn't get lucid I'm really happy about these improvements and I hope I'll get my first LD soon
      (1)No worries. Keep experimenting with the amount of time to stay up that works for you. Some people require less time (Sensei's micro-WBTB, at one point I think he was solving math in his head to wake up the brain, many times not even getting out of bed) and other people require more time (I don't mind staying up longer, reading about lucid dreaming or looking at inspiring images, if I went to bed on time).
      (2)Most likely that is what it was. That is good progress!
      (3)Great job accessing the recall of your dreams there, from 0 to 6 segments!! Solidify the technique you used in your mind so you can use it again and again.
      (4)Very good results! I bet you will!! Look forward to having your first LD, just try not to worry or stress about getting your first LD.

      Nice job!!

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