Hello everyone!
So, a little bit of background (sorry if this is too long)...
I am 23 yo psychology and psychotherapy student, I was one of the best students on the year. My interest are fairly odd, so people sometime find me weird, but I am who I am.
I was always introverted child. I never had many friends, I just didn't feel like going among people. The bigger part of my childhood, I had spent with video games, books, etc. I always loved fantasy. The first book I read was Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix. Ever since then, I was hooked. My choice of video games was also driven by my love for fantasy. I never played Counter Strike as other children, I played Aion (MMO like WoW, but you have wings). I always loved flying. So, in second grade of high school I stumbled upon a video describing lucid dreaming. Instantly, I was hooked. But, my doctors said I shouldn't do it.
Fast forward to third year of Psychology studies. I was going through my books and I found a LD book. That started an avalanche of memories, excitement and scientific interest in the lucid dreaming. So, I said "Screw doctors, I wanna be lucid dreamer". My dream recall is really good, that is my biggest success. My knowledge about lucid dreaming is, in my opinion, extraordinary, because I have read many scientific books and forums as well. Nevertheless, although I have practiced many techniques, with more or less success. But I never found THE technique.
That's why I want to start this thread and systematically try out different techniques. A month each, if I see a technique promises, I will do another month. Right now, I am reading Sensei's topics and I have urge to try everything at once, so I hope this topic will give me both motivation and order, so I can get most out of every technique.
In the past two months, I was doing Puffin's SAT technique (had about 1 LD a week for the first month), Yoshi's ADA (which I find very hard to do), and I was experimenting with my own technique (which I will put on pause). These three techniques were mentally exhausting. I also had first WILD, unintentionally.
For the first month I am going to try Hukif's Gravity RC. Besides that, I am also going to continue my Vipassana meditation practice, as it raises my awareness.
This Workbook has primary purpose of giving me motivation and order in my LD practice, but if anyone is interested feel free to ask me any question you'd like.