Try to remember to do multiple RCs any time you notice anything odd or any time something seems dreamlike or reminds you of a dream, even if you are sure you are awake. This dream is a good example of the idea that "Any moment could be a dream!" |
Hey, sorry for not answering for so damn long! |
Try to remember to do multiple RCs any time you notice anything odd or any time something seems dreamlike or reminds you of a dream, even if you are sure you are awake. This dream is a good example of the idea that "Any moment could be a dream!" |
Last edited by fogelbise; 01-29-2017 at 05:14 AM.
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My lucid dreaming journey:
I already had a few moments where it felt like something strange happened and I do RCs (and I luckily always do several RCs at once (like 3 or 4 minimum)) though in that dream I didnt think "could this be a dream?" because anything seemed strange, rather it was a thought that randomly poppep up and I then dismissed it immediately. I will just have to hammer in that every single time I get the idea of something beeing a dream or doing a reality check that I actually do them. Sometimes I didnt because I just did RCs like 10 minutes earlier but this may be the reason for me dismissing it in said dream. |
Good point about VR and dream control! It basically gives you a good tool to update your schema. |
Something important for every newbie:
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My lucid dreaming journey:
The past few days I've been thinking about what to write in my workbook since nothing spectacular happened, so I guess I'll just state that I'm still alive and have not abandoned my quest for lucid dreams. |
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My lucid dreaming journey:
I think I have made a significant improvement to the quality of reality checks in the past few days! It's almost like I wasnt even properly questioning reality before (from my point of view) and I feel that I am going to have success again soon! The dreams I had the past few night also where very vivid and fairly long. |
Very nice! Celebrate those very vivid and fairly long dreams - as they can be important and enjoyable too. Appreciating the success can give you additional fuel for your practices. |
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My lucid dreaming journey:
Hey I'm sorry for (again) not writing in this workbook for so long! Though be assured that I didn't forget about it! (In fact I think about it every single day) |
The confidence one could be worked with and sounds similar to my boldness dream sign. I think the boldness dream sign became more powerful for me through day practices where I would be out in public and imagine being bold in that moment: "If I were dreaming right now, I would…" or "I am dreaming" and then imagining what I would do next. When I would feel the boldness coming on in a dream I would often think "wait a minute, this is a dream!" But because of how bad it could be if I was wrong, many times I would perform an RC to be doubly sure that I am in fact dreaming. |
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My lucid dreaming journey:
Finally I have some worthwile progress to talk about! :p |
Congratulations on the double hit Dionisos! |
Something important for every newbie:
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My lucid dreaming journey:
Thanks |
Interesting dreams Dionisos! I had a dream about a pig under water a while back. |
Something important for every newbie:
Listen while you work or before bed?
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My lucid dreaming journey: