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    Thread: oneironautics wb2

    1. #26
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      My dream last night was super mathematical and logical, dream sequence1 only made sense with dream sequence2 , i was even trying to divide a pie :-) hopefully that will stick in real life.
      Can't recall any real lucids this year , but i'm not discouraged i would probably be doing really well if i ever got a good night sleep, hopefully training my mind to stay concious is going to pay off later. I did have 1 FA 2 nearlys this week + one Wildish attempt were i could see everything and i was using my hands to feel the ground , trying to get sucked in, but at the same time, i could here noise from outside and very concious that i was lying in bed, can't really remember what happened.

    2. #27
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      Quote Originally Posted by oneironautics View Post
      I did have 1 FA 2 nearlys this week + one Wildish attempt were i could see everything and i was using my hands to feel the ground , trying to get sucked in, but at the same time, i could here noise from outside and very concious that i was lying in bed, can't really remember what happened.
      Those are all good signs! Glad to hear that you are still keeping dreaming on your mind.

    3. #28
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      well i probably watch too much PJ masks
      "into the night to save the day
      pj masks are on there way" HOORAY
      I told my kids its because they are dreaming they become super Heroes

    4. #29
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      I've been having lots of dreams lately were i'm some kind of super hero, i can fly and other superhero stuff so i kind of know i'm in a unphysical place but not really sure that i'm dreaming.
      So last night i dreamt me and 3 little boys (i was also a little boy) , walked into another world (Narnia style) we tried to mark or way back to entrance with spray cans, and then lots of people from this other world started chasing us, so the whole dream we were running away and hiding and we hid inside a big house and went all the way down to the basement and got stuck there with no way out...
      I'm actually wondering if i'm scared of lucid dreaming :-(
      according to dreambook basement would symbolize your subconscious mind and intuition. i guess i'm in the right place but not really sure why i would be scared ...

    5. #30
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      next mantra is going to be Trust the Process, hopefully i can get somewhere with that.
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    6. #31
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      Quote Originally Posted by oneironautics View Post
      I'm actually wondering if i'm scared of lucid dreaming :-(
      according to dreambook basement would symbolize your subconscious mind and intuition. i guess i'm in the right place but not really sure why i would be scared ...
      It's generally recommended to not rely too much on dream interpretations books. I wouldn't read too much into this but can you think of any reasons you would be scared of lucid dreaming? I have had creepy scenes every once in a while, but I always seem to put my head in the right place and eliminate any real fear.

      Quote Originally Posted by oneironautics View Post
      next mantra is going to be Trust the Process, hopefully i can get somewhere with that.
      Yes! I like this! I have been thinking recently about how I did just this (trusting the process) with Sageous' RRC early in my practices until it sunk in, made more sense, and started showing benefits.
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    7. #32
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      I've always loved dreaming my worst dreams are about financial insecurities, like i have no place to live, but its not very terrifying , It could be i might be scared of confusing reality with dreams, not sure really . I was thinking about this the other day , and sure enough i had this reoccuring dream about having no place to live, but it wasn't at all scary i just found some new place. and then
      Last night I dreamt I was climbing a big mountain and looking out on one side was nature and it was nice, but then i looked on the other side and it was cars and stuff and all of a sudden i was really scared of heights and had too quickly scramble down to be calm, (i live on the 6th floor, so i 'm really not scared of heights) ... (maybe a fear of evolving?)

      by the way what is RRC not sure i read about that.

      Was listening too Daniel's youtube video , and he mentioned Lavender could be bad for dream memory, interesting i 've sleeping with a lavender on and off since i was a kid and had some in my pillow for about a year and drinking loads of lavender tea so i'm going to try without , now when mugwort is starting to grow i'm gonna make a pillow to sleep with so i can smell and Daniel suggested rosemary oil to mix , should be exciting :-)
      Last edited by oneironautics; 06-20-2017 at 10:04 AM.

    8. #33
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      Quote Originally Posted by oneironautics View Post
      by the way what is RRC not sure i read about that.
      Here's a great post where he's talking about it, though he doesn't mention the process by name until later in the post:
      Last edited by fogelbise; 06-20-2017 at 08:03 PM.
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    9. #34
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      So your saying i should focus more on the dreamer and not on the dream

    10. #35
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      Finally LUCID for about 10 seconds but nevermind, last night i was watching a horror show, and my dream was 'not very nice' finally i was getting rather scared and my mind was forced to become super skeptical and yay finally lucid but my heart was racing so fast i woke up and i was in limbo land for a little while, but finally had to get up ..
      So the key was being super skeptical so i'm gonna try and work on that.
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      Yay! Congratulations oneironautics!

      I actually use something that may be very similar to what you experienced, if not the same. I use it periodically during WBTB. I call it weirdness induction and it basically involves inducing that startled feeling which seems to get the brain juices flowing to raise awareness when I go back to sleep. As creative as you are, you may find a different way to become super skeptical.

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      Thanks man I appreciate your input, I can relate to weidness induction, just as soon as i get lucid i wake up so quickly.

      So last month i was working on becoming more logical too pass some test, and i guess it worked got approved for 2 classes, now the problem is i can only do 1 and have too choose between them . So I guess thats gonna keep me busy for the summer , i'm pretty sure thats where the fear was coming from making the wrong decision, it is a choice that would affect the rest of my working life.. I was reading through my DJ and i'm understanding the fear better i think. Now have to put the logistics to good use :-)

    13. #38
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      Finally made my decision, my poor scorpio mind stopped being split in 2 and i was able to focus , had a Lucid ranning around and told everyone i was dreaming and tried telekenetics .. not so great memory, have been drinking lots of mugwort tea i picked from the beach, so far me dreams have been more vivid but not more lucid or aware, Another month of vacation so lots more lucids i hope :-)
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      Congratulations on another lucid and wishing you many more to come!

    15. #40
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      Lots of vivid dreams and semi lucids, haven't been doing enough Reality checking , 1 new goal Meet a Mammoth so new Mantra is
      Making Memories with Mammoth Morpheus .

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      Congratulations on the lucid dreams!
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    17. #42
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      Quote Originally Posted by oneironautics View Post
      Lots of vivid dreams and semi lucids, haven't been doing enough Reality checking , 1 new goal Meet a Mammoth so new Mantra is
      Making Memories with Mammoth Morpheus .
      Lol! I always enjoy the alliterations you come up with. Vivods and semi lucids are a joy as well, so very nice!

    18. #43
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      So i've got a bit stuck in the past (maybe has something to do with mammoths haha) no but seriously been dreaming constantly about people from the past getting to a state i don't want to remember my dreams anymore :-( , but i'm trying to work around it "everytime i see so and so i will have a lucid"
      only had one short lucid recently completely out of control on a spinning bus.
      I have started school and were doing alot of work on presantations were i have to stand in front of class and speak, little bit terrifying, but i do have a good plan My goal for now is too remember to do a reality check when i'm standing there, i've had alot of chances but i always forget when nervous so sometime soon i will remember.
      My night time goal is too stay in the present trying to work on good mantra for present.

    19. #44
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      It is nice to see you around again I am sorry about the dreams where you are getting stuck in the past but I like how you are trying to turn it into something positive by using that as a dream sign. Have you thought about why you may be getting more dreams about people from your past? Perhaps they are simply people from your younger school days that being back in school now may be bringing up. Or perhaps there is something from you past that your dreams want you to face. That might be a good thing to ask when you become lucid.

    20. #45
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      Wow, thanks fb, this site is so helpful i finally figured it out.. again, If i could only remember when i'm dreaming its just a representation of something thats bothering me and not this person for real that would be cool. While I do have some stress about school this course is super easy so far besides all the presentations, so its not really that thats stressing me but something else to do with time i already made a decision, but in all the dreams i want something else which is what this guy is rejecting. So struggling to cope with a decision, and a little bit of school stress. Now how to remember that when asleep haha.
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    21. #46
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      A strong intention set by repeating what you want to remember can be effective. The time of day to do this practice, of setting this intention to remember, can be anytime but…The most effective times (in order of effectiveness) would be during:

      1. a WBTB
      2. a mini-WBTB
      3. doing it right before bed
      4. doing the practice during the course of your day

      Visualizing a recent similar dream and visualizing becoming lucid in that dream is even more powerful (MILD), especially during WBTB.

      Here is an easy, quick explanation of MILD according to LaBerge from member ThreeCat: http://www.dreamviews.com/lucid-expe...ml#post2160952

    22. #47
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      I'm trying to do some more normal mild stuff, I want to try WBTB but i'm scared of waking the little ones, I might try at 4 am any day soon.

    23. #48
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      Quote Originally Posted by oneironautics View Post
      I'm trying to do some more normal mild stuff, I want to try WBTB but i'm scared of waking the little ones, I might try at 4 am any day soon.
      I use the water method to wake up (drinking enough water to wake me during the night). I stay very quiet and hardly ever wake my wife. It's easier if you are doing something you enjoy during WBTB. Good luck!

    24. #49
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      Not so much progress with lucidity, alot of hours per day i am spending reading or working with computer which is not so 'reality inducing' feels a bit dream like already , but never mind holidays are soon starting hopefully i can have one good Lucid this year only had bits and pieces so far.
      Anyway this was my 300th post thought i should post here.

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      Hej! It is good to see you around. I apologize for the slow response. I was on a short trip.

      One thing to consider during hours in front of a computer is to exercise centering your awareness. Take a deep breath in, then breathe all your cares out and soak in the present moment noticing what was mostly blurry around you just before.

      Lucidly loving long lasting lucids - to you! (to borrow one of your previous alliterations).

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