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    1. #51
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      Hej Hej,

      So about a year ago I was trying an experiment about wilding when going to bed, (omg time is going so quickly..) haven't been really successfull with a real wild, but i could say nearly, with alot of hygnagogia. AHave been missing practing some kind of lucid dreaming, but i have still been keeping my Dream Journal, and in real life i finished half my school course, so on friday i have school test nr 7 out of 14, When i'm doing my school i'm finding it difficult to remember, i guess im trying to store all the stuff that i've been reading in my head and theres not so much place for anything else, so i feel like its time for a new experiment. and yesterday i found a great article about sleep yoga.


      So the New Experiment will be, instead of trying to remember to be aware in Dream like state I will just try to let go and be aware in deep sleep state. Instead of trying to remember i will try too focus on being present and focus on my breathing or something similar, I'm not sure I understood the article correctly but it seems like a good plan, and after thinking about this last night, I had a dream about having new baby without any pain , so i'm going too interpret that as a new project :-) .

    2. #52
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      'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
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      Hej, it's good to see you again

      That sounds like a nice new experiment. If you are able to do the experiment after a wake back to bed, you should find stronger results. Good luck and keep it touch.

    3. #53
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      So the other night i had this weird Dream, me and a Group of people where chasing a balloon up inside a building the inside of the building was completely unstructured stairs and walls kept floating around and places would appear and reappear, (now that i Think of it i have had alot of similar Dreams) also been having alot of scene flashing but not any Dream to go with it. My initial thought was that maybe this is why i have bad recall at the moment because my Dreams are too unstructured so i don't try too remember them because theyre too flimsy.. anyway thats about as far as ive come with this experiment. :-)

      Also found a cool article about recording Dreams with computer gadgets, maybe in 10 20 years it will be possible . https://edition.cnn.com/2018/04/04/h...ams/index.html
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    4. #54
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      Quote Originally Posted by oneironautics View Post
      also been having alot of scene flashing but not any Dream to go with it.
      Could this be dreamlets or HH's that you may be experiencing falling to sleep or when briefly waking and falling back to sleep after REM ending? I consider dreamlets a step above HH's, just for my own purposes of categorizing various sleep related experiences...with dreamlets being more brief scenes in motion that disappear soon after they appear and HH's even less defined swirls of colors and sometimes sounds and quick images not moving within a scene.

      Thank you for that very interesting article! I love those kinds of articles

    5. #55
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      yes your right usually Close too when i go too sleep, and often still aware but nothing really happens just see some scene with nobody there like flying over it with a drone or something. How could i make that into a wild try feeling something i guess ?

    6. #56
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      'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
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      A lot of my WILD/DEILDs start that way - floating over a body of water or over carpeting or another surface and I just expect myself to land and in the cases of landing on a solid surface I am often at the stage where I have to crawl before I can walk, that sluggish molasses early stage...so I would try that. When landing in water I just swim to shore and expect the shore to be close...or explore the water's depths which can be cool as well. Just stay calm and expect to land or you can continue to fly until the dream becomes more solid.

    7. #57
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      I had really odd Dream last night i can't make alot of sense, actually my memory has been getting better loads of Dreams, semi lucids, but last night 1 guy and girl gave me there number and it stuck in my head the number was 75232316. so i woke up and wrote it down and i had too google, and so far i found Wago's 16 INPUT OUTPUT system. I really don't remember seeing this Before. hmm weird.
      Anyway last night i also finally did a wbtb, i want too start doing some yoga around 4 am, but i can't put alarm on without waking everyone, so i will just drink water and hope for waking .
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    8. #58
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      'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
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      That's very interesting. In the dream, did it seem like they were giving you their phone number or did the set of numbers represent something else? Sometimes I find interesting information in dreams, wondering if they are coincidences, when looking them up later. Some have made me think that there is at least a chance that there is some kind of information we can pick up from outside of ourselves in certain circumstances, but who knows. When I have these types of dreams, my skeptical mind pulls me back a little and tells me it is very hard to ensure that I haven't come across the information before and simply forgot. Either way, it is fun to consider the possibilities.

    9. #59
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      In the Dream they were giving me there number, + 75 would be in Russia haha, funny, or of course it could be mobile number and it would be indonesian Company, haha better not get crazy about this one, It was just so specific normally awake im not sure i would remember a number just by glancing at it. The other night i had Another super specific Dream about Fergusson (scottish name) at least my imagination is being creative :-)

      WBTB attempt 2
      woke up at 4:15 wrote some Dreams, did some yoga, tried too go back too sleep but it was super difficult finally Went too sleep had short Dream.
      was in bed with hubby i was trying too Wake him up so we wouldn't be late for Airport i was annoyed and said we are Always late. haha i Think i nearly remembered too Wake up. but at 5am one of the kids came in to room, and by 6 am all 3 were jumping on the bed wanting too play with 'playdoh' ... Anyway was nice too do yoga will try too keep it up.
      Last edited by oneironautics; 04-15-2018 at 11:31 AM.
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    10. #60
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      Wbtb attempt 3
      Wbtb attempt 4

    11. #61
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      about 12 spontaneous WBTB attempts this month,
      no lucids but semi-lucid and Dream recollection is getting better, also quite enjoying getting up early and doing yoga. Also realized my reality checking is not doing so good so will try to do more.

      Figured out what the number Dream meant, the numbers themselves weren't important but the fact that they were unique is why they stood out :-)
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    12. #62
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      'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
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      Nice! I believe if you are getting benefits out of it, that will help you keep up the practices and your recall and lucidity will grow.

      Do you feel like saying what the unique set of numbers, or unique things, mean to you or what you took from that dream? It intrigues me.

    13. #63
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      Well at the beginning of the Dream I was dreaming about Gordon Ramsay he was my dentist or something, when i was pregnant i was dreaming about him all the time (Chef + pregnant lady = :-)) So I realized i was thinking about some pregnancy issues. And what would be unique would be a new baby :-) Thats what makes most sense anyway.
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    14. #64
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      'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
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      I hope it wasn't any serious issue. That is great that you are exploring your dreams in this way. :-)

    15. #65
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      the issue was just a discussion about how many kids we should have, imagine women have been having 5-10 kids for 1000s of years, and now 1 or 2 is enough :-) .
      Anyway I also realized i have no idea what my Dream signs are my Dreams are so all over the Place, zombie apocolypse/mom looking for job/ Purple pants. So my Maj mission will be too find some solid usable Dream signs too let me know i am dreaming. There is one thing I Dream about alot '' Moving too old apartment '' or ''new apartment '' but i dont know how too use it ,

    16. #66
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      'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
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      I consider there to be generally two types of dream signs. One type are the recurring dream signs that don't really stand out but occur quite often. They aren't super effective because they don't stand out enough. The other type are much more powerful, but seem to occur less often. My personal most powerful ones are:
      1. weird sky/stars (~80% success of recalled occurrences)
      2. deceased father in law (went from ~80% to ~40% , I think because his passing away was much stronger emotionally in the months after versus now several years later)
      3. dream only solutions like floating up over a crowd or obstruction (~75% but I am not experiencing this as much as I was when I was doing a lot of daydreaming about what I would do in different situations like: "if I were dreaming right now, I would...!"

      That said, when your awareness is high enough, you can catch even the weak dream signs...especially when combined with consistent mantras before bed and/or at WBTB. Mantras like: Next time I am moving to the old apartment (visualize one of these dreams at the same time), I become aware in the moment and realize I am dreaming (or something shorter).
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    17. #67
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      ok weird question, if for example i Dream alot about a certain emotion lets say happiness, is it possible too make a Dream sign out of it, i just don't know how too phrase it, 'when i am happy i will know i'm dreaming' hahahah would be a bit sad if only this were true :-)

    18. #68
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      Quote Originally Posted by oneironautics View Post
      ok weird question, if for example i Dream alot about a certain emotion lets say happiness, is it possible too make a Dream sign out of it, i just don't know how too phrase it, 'when i am happy i will know i'm dreaming' hahahah would be a bit sad if only this were true :-)
      You can absolutely make it a "reflection trigger." In mindfulness, we want to stay in touch with our experience of the present moment, to "realize the truth" of it. Learning to pay attention to your emotional state and the causes for it is a big part of that.
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    19. #69
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      When I saw your last question, I thought about the same thing FM mentioned. After all, awareness or mindfulness of your emotions is a great thing for waking life also. I have played with it a little bit in terms of making emotions a dream sign but I did not put enough effort into using emotions as a dream sign. I believe it would be most effective when used with MILD visualization - really feeling the emotion while visualizing that you notice it, notice your true situation - in a dream - and becoming lucid. This should be most effective if done when going back to sleep after WBTB.

      I have used emotions like excitement to make day and night practices more effective but haven't played enough with emotions being the primary focus.

      *Looking back at my last post, I would say #3 is the easiest to incubate and is a very fun practice...namely imagining throughout the day dreamy solutions to getting through a crowd of people by flying over, getting through traffic by flying your car over it, making unpleasant situations disappear with the wave of your hand, wishing for someone to appear, or any of a thousand fun possibilities.*

      May I ask, what motivates you the most to pursue lucid dreaming?

    20. #70
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      Thanks Guys,
      I'm going too restart working more on mindfullness and all day awareness, and when i have a certain stand out emotion be aware of it and perhaps get in some clever mantras. I'm also going too figure out what my other dreamsigns are so far possibly apartment (new or old).

      Good Question FB, I've been interested in dreaming my whole life, when i was a kid i used too wake up in the morning and tell my sisters what i dreamed, also at the time i thought dream sharing for example with those who shared room was normal. If nothing else it makes good conversation at work :-). That being said Lucid dreaming for me feels like next step natural step, like after learning too crawl you could learn how too walk. I only wish i would have learned about lucid dreaming earlier.

      Why I want too Lucid dream is a little more complicated, Mostly I Love the freedom of dreams, in real life I have alot of things I have too do, alot of restrictions and boundaries, while in a dream i could talk too anyone or be anywhere. For my whole life I've loved sleeping dreaming, its probably even been a problem sometimes because i just want too leave this reality too explore another one, when i was younger i really looked forward too dying because it would be more too explore. With age i've become a little more patient and understand i have too pass this level before going too next one, but at least i can expand my existence with dreaming.

      Anyway weird side note. Greek Mythology has three dreaming oneiroi
      Morpheus= good with changing into human form
      Phantasos= good with changing into objects wood, stone, water etc.
      Phobetor= good with changing into Monsters and animals.

      I was wondering why did the Greeks devide it up into 3 categories like this ? I'm thinking of deviding my own dreams up into these 3 categories and see what i come up with.
      Last edited by oneironautics; 05-05-2018 at 03:37 PM.
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    21. #71
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      woohoo finally lucid,

      Entered via amusement park, guess awareness stuff is paying off

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      Great job, congratulations, I am very happy for you!

      Thanks for your response about motivations. If you can think of what motivates you the most - excites you the most, then you can think about that (goal) during your practices to give them more purpose and thus more power.

    23. #73
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      thanks for sorting that out FB,
      I was getting quite confused on what too focus on my primary goals have been super small like, putting hand through wall, turning on light switch, jumping super high.
      But i Think i have the perfect goal too motivate me, I have Always wished to speak with grandfather that died along time ago b4 me, I want too speak about ships and countries, and i want too have a goal i can work on where ever i might find myself for example i will practice climbing to the top of a building , (practice for when it is a ship and i will climb on masts. )
      Do you Think i could conciously make him a Dream Guide, seeing as i have never dreamt of him Before? and also should I be telling myself something when i do reality checks like ' when i see granddad i will know im dreaming' ?
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    24. #74
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      Quote Originally Posted by oneironautics View Post
      thanks for sorting that out FB,
      I was getting quite confused on what too focus on my primary goals have been super small like, putting hand through wall, turning on light switch, jumping super high.
      But i Think i have the perfect goal too motivate me, I have Always wished to speak with grandfather that died along time ago b4 me, I want too speak about ships and countries, and i want too have a goal i can work on where ever i might find myself for example i will practice climbing to the top of a building , (practice for when it is a ship and i will climb on masts. )
      Do you Think i could conciously make him a Dream Guide, seeing as i have never dreamt of him Before? and also should I be telling myself something when i do reality checks like ' when i see granddad i will know im dreaming' ?
      I love the goal with your grandfather! Indeed, I bet you can make him your Dream Guide. I would suggest something along the lines of expecting him to find him in your next lucid...around the next corner (or the one after that) or through the next door...when you turn around...or he will tap on your shoulder. You can then tell him that you are glad you found him (or glad he found you) and that you heard that he would make a great DG and then expect good ideas to flow from him. Be open to the idea that he may look a little different than any images you remember seeing of him. He may be younger, older, thinner, fatter, etc.

      For the RC I would suggest a traditional mantra that is more of a catch-all: "The next time I am dreaming, I (chosen RC) and realize I am dreaming." Then imagine your RC showing that you are dreaming right then and how you would then pursue your goal.

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