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    Thread: Stabilization problems, please help

    1. #1
      Next-Level EpicOneironaut Achievements:
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      Stabilization problems, please help

      Stabilization has been a problem for me from the start. I never stabilized decently, though i knew how to do it theoretically. I used a mantra to make sure i stabilized. The good news is that i now always stabilize my LD's. The bad news is that stabilizing DEstabilizes my dreams. I always calm down first. Then i look around and pay attention to details. While doing that, i start to activate the other senses. But while looking at the details, everything starts to blur, and i wake up. I always try to DEILD, but even if i succeed, the same thing happens. As an example, i will post an LD from last night below. I left out a big non-lucid part because it has nothing to do with this problem.

      So here i was, being pulled up by a T-bar, getting ready to ski down the hill. When I got to the top, there was this huge maze before me. I suddebly realized this had to be a dream. I first calmed down. Took me only 2 seconds or so. I took a close look around me, looking at all the details. Basically i was activating ADA within the dream. Then everything started to blur and i had a sensation of falling down. I woke up. Attempted a DEILD, but without succes.

      Any suggestions as to what i'm doing wrong?

    2. #2
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      Hmmm... that's a tough one. Are you perhaps looking at too much detail? WHen you're looking at the details, do you look intensely or just glance? It you're staring at one thing too intently, that can ruin the dream for you. Never linger on one thing when you are trying to stabilize, only glance at things.

      I prefer to throw myself into physical action to stabilize. In the dream scenario you described, I would have bombed down that hill.
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    3. #3
      Next-Level EpicOneironaut Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      Hmmm... that's a tough one. Are you perhaps looking at too much detail? WHen you're looking at the details, do you look intensely or just glance? It you're staring at one thing too intently, that can ruin the dream for you. Never linger on one thing when you are trying to stabilize, only glance at things.

      I prefer to throw myself into physical action to stabilize. In the dream scenario you described, I would have bombed down that hill.
      I was looking quite intent, but i dont think i looked at one thing for a longer period of time. But i'll try activating my senses while being more active. Thx for replying

    4. #4
      Member nina's Avatar
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      Did you try holding your hands up close to your face and examining them in detail? Like looking at all the wrinkles and tiny hairs, etc. Usually this should cause your view to focus sharply (like a camera), because you know how a camera will autofocus when you point it at something far away or something really close. It might take a second to refocus completely while looking at the hands, and you shouldn't look up until it is completely sharp. You should also use verbal commands simultaneously while examining the hands. Such as "focus now". If you haven't read it already: http://www.dreamviews.com/f12/ninas-...torial-118317/
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    5. #5
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      Just use more peripheral vision instead of tunnel vision and you'll be fine. THat way you can be aware of more of your surroundings, which you need to do to sustain them. If you're just going around with tunnel vision from one thing to the next, I can see how that would cause the dream to fall apart.
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