Stabilization has been a problem for me from the start. I never stabilized decently, though i knew how to do it theoretically. I used a mantra to make sure i stabilized. The good news is that i now always stabilize my LD's. The bad news is that stabilizing DEstabilizes my dreams. I always calm down first. Then i look around and pay attention to details. While doing that, i start to activate the other senses. But while looking at the details, everything starts to blur, and i wake up. I always try to DEILD, but even if i succeed, the same thing happens. As an example, i will post an LD from last night below. I left out a big non-lucid part because it has nothing to do with this problem.
So here i was, being pulled up by a T-bar, getting ready to ski down the hill. When I got to the top, there was this huge maze before me. I suddebly realized this had to be a dream. I first calmed down. Took me only 2 seconds or so. I took a close look around me, looking at all the details. Basically i was activating ADA within the dream. Then everything started to blur and i had a sensation of falling down. I woke up. Attempted a DEILD, but without succes.
Any suggestions as to what i'm doing wrong?