Originally Posted by tblanco
Please give an example that illustrates what you are talking about.
Say I wanted to stabilize the dream, since that's probably about the most practical kind of dream control.
I use a voice command. For stabilization, I use "Semper Stabelem" or "Always Stable". (Yes, that's Latin. Some other ones might be english. I have one based off of Spanish, and some that are just gibberish.) So I would say that. Of course I think this is where someone would have the most freedom to use whatever they wanted. If they wanted to use something less archaic and just say "Clarity" or something, it would probably have the same effect. I just was in love with the idea of my dream control being like a magical spell and wanted to create my own spells.
For a physical motion I would press my hands against a surface and feel it.
For an expectation I would focus on the dream lasting longer and staying stable, and not losing stability. Possibly also focus particularly on my hands "pumping the life" into the dreamworld. (This wasn't my intention when I created this 'spell', but in the half-dozen times I've used it, I plant my hands on the ground and its like a gentle wave of energy radiates out from my location and makes everything more clear and alive, and I've just gotten accustomed to that being my means dream stabilization.)
Take note of how different oneironauts might only attempt one of these three approaches. Oneironaut A might focus only on voice commands to stabilize, Oneironaut B might only be rubbing their hands together and touching objects, and Oneironaut C might just will and expect the dream to become more stable. But your dream control should much more precise and less prone to failure if you use all in conjunction. Granted I've only tested this on myself, so maybe your book on dream control will help to get others to experiment with my triforce dream control technique.