Slow-Mo would be nifty. Good idea. |
I had a dream last night(non lucid). And i was on a bus during a terrorist raid, and it got hit by a bomb. Right when it got hit everything went into slow motion. Can any1 here go into slowmotion in a lucid?? I've added it to my lucid dream goals. |
Slow-Mo would be nifty. Good idea. |
Funny this thread was yeah, I actually have gone into slow motion quite alot, usually they're dream-sign triggers. Slow motion movement and jumping. |
Things are not as they seem
I have it as a dream sign to. Like when you are fighting, and it feels like you are punching through mud or something. It was different different though. It was almost like a movie for me in my last dream, everything was slow-mo, and i was to, but i was under less slow mo so i could move faster. Id really like to try to do it in a LD |
I put things in slow motion once in an LD, but it was years ago. |
I experienced slow motion in my lucid dream It was sweet, like, i was running and there was some big hole in ground, i jumped and in my mind i told myself: - SLOW MOTION NOW ! and everything went in slow motion and when i didn't want it i just told in my mind that im not in slow motion now |
hmm, its definitely on my lucid goal list. I'm pretty sure i can do it b/c it happened in that dream. Plus i've played video games with slowmotion. |
Slow motion usually happens whe nI'm into great trouble in a dream. My most recent experience happened when I was being shoot mercilessly, Matrix style. Everything went slow and I had time to dodge all bullets. Awfulmostly it didn't make me lucid. My dream self must be as stupid as I am smart |
Saying quantum physics explains cognitive processes is just like saying geology explains jurisprudence.
Interesting, will have to try it. I remember in a normal dream while I was driving my car everything started slowing down slowly, eventually time stopped and I was frozen in reality. Then the dream ended... sadly. |
WILD - 4
DILD - 11
Dream Level 8/4
It's very weird that a lot of people have had slow motion to. Weirder at that, people seem to do it nonlucidly and it only happens when you are in grave danger ex. getting bombed, shot at etc. |