New poster here, found this site through Google. First post, heres goes.

I was sitting in a classroom with a good friend of mine. We were sitting at like, a double desk of sorts. There were many other students in the room. Directly behind us was a group of Asian kids. To their left was one or two people that looked like they were part Asian or Hispanic. Sitting in front of them were some white kids, and to their left were, like, "Skate"/"street" kids. Now, to my right was another room, where a bunch of African American kids were all sitting at a lunch table.

A teacher walks in, a blonde dude with, I guess, movie star looks. He is holding a folder to his chest, and I see my name written on a piece of paper in the folder. At this moment I know that he was sent here by "the man" to come get me. I keep my cool as he gives a lecture to the class on the state of the economy. He goes into explicit detail with his lecture, and I remember being truly fascinated , but I can no longer recall the details.

After about 5 minutes or so, he calls on me for some reason, maybe asking me what I think. I reply "I don't", and get up and begin to punch him, but it becomes apparent to me that I can't hurt him because hes maybe some sort of super-human, or at least above average. I somehow manage to subdue him, and now I somehow know that a group of people are about to come and try to get me. I grab this girl out the Asian/Hispanic group and we run out of the class room. I'm holding her by the wrist and we are running down the halls, and we burst through the front door of the school. at this point, I let go of her wrist, and assume that she will just keep following me, but she runs back into the school. I quickly try to follow her back into the school.

She vanishes, and a little girl comes running towards me. I find this bizarre, but I keep running, ignoring the girl. Now, the school is filled with little kids. I run through the back door, and am now in a parking lot with two or three cars. The girl I grabbed is there, but now instead of being Asian/Hispanic, she now just looks like Knives, the Chinese girl from Scott Pilgram vs The World. There is a guy to the left of one of the cars, and he attempts to shoot me with an Uzi. He shoot some weird thing at me from the gun, and it gets lodged in me, but I pull it out and I am unharmed. I trip him, disarm him, and shoot him with my own gun. A second guy appears, and attempts to shoot me with one of those tazers that shoot and attach to people. I dodge it, and shoot him with the Uzi. Knives and I then make our escape.

Now, the dreams shift, Knives is gone, and I am on a road, next to a beautiful field, like something you'd see in a movie, a Midwestern setting. And now, I'm being chased by a very large group of zombies, but they are very far away from me. They are chasing me, and I end up in a desert that happens to be right next to the field. The desert is extremely vast, and is surrounded at the outskirts by gigantic statues that were like, 3 times bigger than the Statue of Liberty. From the far right, where the grass and desert meet, is where the first statue is. It is of a bald man, maybe of monk. to the left is another statue which looks exactly the same, and so on, but as they go left, the statues begin to decompose. Now, towards more of my center of view, the statues are skeletons.

The dream shifts again, and I am now in a different field. This field has mountains and hills in the distance. It seems to be evening, where as it was day time before. There is a cabin in the field, and next to it, are rows and rows of poles, with human skulls on top of each one. I walk up to one to examine it, and confirm that it is a real skull. I get scared, and decide to fly away. This is where the dream becomes lucid, I suppose. I decide to fly somewhere nice, and for some reason this takes me to a New Jersey highway, next to a Burger King. I decide to fly away again.

I tell myself, "I want to fly the beautiful jungle". In the past I had a lucid dream where I fly to an island paradise with dinosaurs and people lived of the land, but foreigners were coming to mine the sea or something, and this killed all the fish. Either way, my attempt to fly there fails, and I just fly into some electrical wire. It shocks me, and I get mad. Then, as I am floating, I grab the wire and wrap it around my neck. I am basically electrocuting myself. Then I wake up.

Don't really know how to wrap this up, since its my first post. Thanks for any feedback.