I was in the hospital several years ago in very bad condition with a cerebral bleed
and amnesia coming from an inherited condition. Well, after a month at this hospital they decided I was getting better
and they decided to send me by ambulance to another hospital about 50 miles away where my treatment could
continue and I could get some rehabilitation also. My memory began to return after being there a couple weeks.
The following is my dream, as I remember it, from my second hospital regarding the time they sent me off from
the first hospital.

My Hospital Dream:

I was in the hospital bed, and there was not much that I could do, especially I could not remember things.
My nurse was there days, and she was kind to me and took care of me, and at the end cried for me because
it was not known if I would ever recover. The day I was moved by ambulance she and another nurse rushed around to
get me ready and to get all my things together. Then it was time to go and I was wheeled out, and a couple relatives
were there to see me go. I didn't know what was in store for me, but I was sorry to leave my nurse, although her
name and her face were not in my dream and so I have no other memory of her. Thinking about it I wonder is it
not strange that she was faceless in the dream?

Then I was placed in the bright colored ambulance, that was as large as a small buss and I was sent off in style to a new place that was
going to slowly bring me back from the precipice. That was it...all I can now remember of my dream. I am told that the ambulance
was as large and bright as I dreamed and maybe other details were also accurate. I got to return to my first hospital
a few months later, but there was nothing there I could remember, nothing at all.

But I am grateful for that place for helping me, even though it is only through this dream that I have any memory of it.