My best friend usually has very vivid dreams, they are usually so vivid that she doesnt rest. Last night she said she had horrible dreams. This is what she said
"I had this weird dream with my brothers(she has an older brother and a younger brother that just graduated this week from college) in it, but in the dream I checked my bank account and from all my hospital bills I had 16000 dollars negative(she currently has gone to the ER since she was having some health issues, she has insurance through her job but it's a $1200 deductible). Also there were these girls who were my friends but then they were drinking and would act crazy and detroy things (they cut up pillows of mine that were from my grandmother ?) and would say mean things. Weird.
Then I had a dream about himher ex-boyfriend, he broke up with my friend 5 months ago and it was a very bad breakup, she left her family and friends and moved to a new state to be with him and after 4 months of *living together he broke up with her and kicked her out of the house, he has told her he doesnt have time for her due to his career, because of her move with him she lost life-time friends and her relationship with grew apart as no one approved of him, she moved out and lives in a nearby city)and I was marrying him and he was the nicest guy and all lovey. Ha. Ugh. My mind."

Anyone has any interpretation for this dream? Any help with be appreciated