I had a dream, its sorta sketchy and hard to remember, I was having to do something, to get something, and I went through a little forest thing, I was floating on something and if i went to far on one side it would tip over, anyhow, there were TONS of snakes in the water, like, I couldn't even see much water because it was so snake filled, they were very large, pale blue snakes

in this picture you see a huge snake, it was like that, the size of it. (not the dream scenery) and they were everywhere, the color was a bit pale green too, the water was dirty
I was trying to leave, (there was shrubbery where the exit was, it was a small box like entrance, not big at all.
There was at least 50 snakes in the water, and there was one around the exit, so I couldn't get out, and it started talking to me, it gets a bit hazy here, and I can't remember much, but i somehow got out

so, talking snakes, and snakes in general anyone?