I once had a dream about falling down a pit, then I ended up in another dimension where I met Skeletor, I was afraid of him, and he said that he knew he was evil, but He Man and King Randor, and that group are evil to but they do not know it, they see themselves as good. Skeletor warned me about King Randors Palace and if I go I would never get out. I was getting close to Skeletor, keeping things between me and him, the warriors would not know what was between us, and I told him how Prince Adam becomes He Man, and Prince Adam is He Man. But I wanted to get back home. Then for once and for all Skeletor was able to conquer Eternia. Then I was in the Fright Zone with Hordak, and I told Hordak how Adora became She Ra. I got Skeletor and Hordak to work together rather than fight. Then I awoke and was glad.