To begin with, I'm a college student studying psychology, I'm single, I live in a house with several roommates and my dog. Within the past several months I had a very bad break up and have had a hard time coming to terms with it.

Now, the dream in question. In this dream I am being pursued by some sort of militarized group, with combat helicopters, body armor and guns. It was like something out of a James Bond movie. They are after me specifically, though for reasons I do not know, and throughout the dream I am being chased through parks, residential areas, all of which seemed very old, not run down, just old style. At one point I am hiding in the basement of someone's house, and although I know I have never been in this house before it feels familiar. It's an unfinished basement, it is enormous, but I cannot find a place to hide. The feeling of panic that has been present from the beginning of the dream is now reaching a peak. I climb out a window and run for my life, climbing over a fence and running over a hill, but as I crest the hill there is the attack helicopter with a spotlight on me and spotlights all around it shining on a small army out to get me. That was when I woke up, still feeling very panicked.