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    Thread: Extreme Feeling of Love in a Dream - Question

    1. #1
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      Extreme Feeling of Love in a Dream - Question

      Hi first post here but I hoping to get your opinions on a dream I had recently.

      Some background: This dream happened on the night of the US presidential election. The assassin's creed part is due to the fact I had been watching some videos of ACIII at the time since the game was new. Never was lucid during the dream.

      The dream: I'm playing the lead role in an Assassin's Creed 3 movie. The setting takes place on a famous outdoor staircase on my college campus. The scene being shot involves me walking to a figure dressed in a pink cape + hood and sitting down next to her looking lower campus below (her back was toward me). I do my part correctly but something goes wrong and the other character has messed up (though I never see it happen). Apparently she got nervous because she was near the main character (me) and made a mistake. At this point I'm sitting next to her. So I take her by the shoulders and turn her towards me. Suddenly we are face-to-face, and I am immediately lost in her deep blue eyes. I know she feels extreme love towards me and I feel it towards her. Moreover, the love is unconditional. (More thoughts on this love below). I still have her by the shoulders and I tell her "we got this" or "you got this" (can't remember exactly). So we shoot the scene again, and this time I'm the one to mess up. My knees are shaking both because I am nervous because I love this girl and because I know it will make her feel better to see me make the mistake. I walk back up the stairs to shoot the scene again and notice all the cameras and the director behind them.

      This love I felt for the girl was amazing - the only emotions I can attribute to it are pure love or joy. Incredible feeling, no lust in it at all. The love was extremely intense, and it was as real as the feelings of pain, fear, pleasure, etc only stronger. I did a lot of research on love in dreams (how I found this site) and came up with only two similar experiences. One was on the forum here - a dream described by halfasked1 - "I looked in his eyes (deep, light blue eyes) and I had this overwhemling feeling of love for my son. It was so strong, every other feeling of any love I've ever felt in my life pales in comparison. In that single moment I was lost in his eyes." In this case he is loving his son. The other occurred in a near-death experience described by Eben Alexander - "it gets stranger still. For most of my journey, someone else was with me. A woman. She was young, and I remember what she looked like in complete detail. She had high cheekbones and deep-blue eyes" and (this really hit the nail and head in terms of what I felt) "she looked at me with a look that, if you saw it for five seconds, would make your whole life up to that point worth living, no matter what had happened in it so far. It was not a romantic look. It was not a look of friendship. It was a look that was somehow beyond all these, beyond all the different compartments of love we have down here on earth. It was something higher, holding all those other kinds of love within itself while at the same time being much bigger than all of them."

      So here's my question: In my dream did I experience the "falling in love" dream that is fairly commonplace? Many people have had this kind of love dream. I have had it myself (I could go into detail) in which I was in love with a girl who I met at a school etc. Gave me quite the dream hangover. But this dream was completely different from the one I wrote about above. The problem is I have never felt love for anyone so I don't know if the dream was just another "love dream" or something different. Thanks for your thoughts.

    2. #2
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      I'm sure someone will come along, who will be able to give you an answer.

      ***Moved to Dream Interpretation***

    3. #3
      Member Morningangel's Avatar
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      Hi, connecticutpete. Thank you so much for sharing your dream and the astute observations you have made about it. On your own, you are working over the ground covered by greats like Carl Jung. What you are seeing is an image of your anima. Your documentation does you great justice, and I could add many more instances from my own experience with dreamers of how the anima can be identified in dreams.

      There are many places you can read more about this, but one of the most authentic I have come across is the work by Tony Crisp, not that I like everything he has written, but his essay on the anima is both a good introduction and synopsis of past work by others. Here is a link.

    4. #4
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      Hi Morningangel - not sure if I buy into the anima theory but I'll go along with it for the sake of discussion. Judging from my dream, I would guess that I am on the 3rd or 4th stage. However, I have been generally depressed (sort of) for the past few years. So according to Jung, shouldn't I be on the one of the lower levels? The dream has really changed my outlook on live positively btw. And I felt no devastating state of loss after the dream, unlike others. I was just happy to experience it.

      Also, as an added detail - the love I felt was awesome yet very different. I believe that we can't experience it in this life, though I could be wrong since I've never been in love with anyone. I would liken it to seeing a new color; it just can't be explained.
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    5. #5
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      Anima, perhaps, or maybe not. I can tell you that those feelings are indeed, the feelings of falling in love... The only problem with this is that girl was but a DC, dam shame. Quite the cruel trick of the mind to make you experience something like that and then tear you away from it, however when you fall in love one day, that won't be an issue good luck.
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    6. #6
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      Hi pete. Lots of times, people will experience love in their dreams in ways they didn't think possible. Might be because, that person you love - in the dream, with the pink cape/hood (pink symbolizes an innocent kind of love) - will never judge you, or betray you, so you have no reason to be afraid of it. The love is felt on many levels, and much deeper and intensely on all of them. Everyone loves. If you're having issues with being able to love in real life, that may be why you have had love dreams. We need it for survival on a very primal level.

    7. #7
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      I wondered if the night of the US presidential election may have had a bearing on your dream, perhaps a cause if not just a connection.
      That's the night, when finally, after years of debating and campaigning, the decicion is made who will rule the future. Which side.

      The Assassin's Creed is identified by name in your dream, so does that have the specific meaning of a preview, for what is ahead in the rest of your life? You acted in it.
      A movie is a fantasy or dream you have.
      You are outside the place of your learning, on the part you climb or ascend.

      You walk to a figure totally covered in the one-piece article of love ~ even the head or thought. She is an idea of love, within yourself. If pink means love.
      Your role is to sit with this aspect of you, be with it, though is facing the other way. And looking down on your learning, maybe, from this higher level.

      You do what you think is correct but this love aspect of you has messed up, though you never see what in yourself, or perhaps what in the area of love, which I guess is self-love. The love we all crave and need most and is first.

      This part of you made you nervous because she was near you, so that part of you made a mistake.
      But you are now next to it, in your mind. And you turn this part of you to face you.

      Then, you finally see this wonderful part of yourself, even if its just an imagining or an ideal, which is very likely I think, unless a real experience within of love. Surely something this profound you don't need to search your experience on that day to know what hit you. Though it may have been a fleeting thing.
      You are lost in the deep peace of this loving part of you, which of course loves you unconditionally because it is the part that loves you.

      Holding her by the shoulders might mean you hold onto this part for responsibility. You want this love to be responsible, not you. Maybe I'm wrong. But you are holding onto her is sure.

      Next, I think you say to yourself, "You got this," like a treasure you have found.
      You replay the scene in yourself, to get it right this time, now you are with her.

      But now the you part of yourself (gets confusing, doesn't it, haa) makes the mistake with love, or getting to love yourself if it's that.

      But really it's the same mistake made twice, both made by the two parts of you, both because you are nervous. But now you are nervous because she is close, can be real.
      The love side of you will feel better if you claim the mistake, because love can't makes mistakes. It was always your mistake.
      That could be why you never saw what mistake love made at first. It didn't. But you did. You had to admit that.
      So maybe it's one mistake, seen from your two sides, and replayed in your mind.

      You climb within yourself again, to redo this scene and get it right, with the director part of you, and the parts of you watching and recording it which can be for your future reference because it's important.

      So this intense pure love and joy, with no lust, is not romantic by the sounds of it, which leaves only one thing.
      The fact that it's female is that it has to be, to demonstrate that meaning.

      This resonates with your words:
      "If you saw it for five seconds, would make your whole life up to that point worth living. No matter what had happened in it so far."
      And that last sentence has the words of someone who has gone through bad times.
      Hence that could explain the cause of this dream. To have the opposite.

      You were not looking at the romantic or friendship, but that somehow beyond all these, beyond all the different compartments of love we have down here on earth, there was something higher, holding all those other kinds of love within itself while at the same time being much bigger than all of them."
      = Explains perfectly that love in yourself, which is totally new.

      Now go back to my first paragraph.

      So, in short, the dream might be about you loving yourself or wanting to.
      What real dream is more common?

    8. #8
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      Hi all, thanks for the responses, would have posted a reply earlier but just got through five brutal finals.
      One thing I've thought of is the fact that in the movie in the dream, I was supposed to sit next to the girl silently and look out over the scenery. I've always thought that this would be a thing to do with someone I was in love with. So I guess my mind was setting me up for a love dream, though I didn't know it.
      And I've heard that being in love is like being on the top of the world, which is what felt. Still, I have trouble believing that anyone could feel that love in life, though I guess I won't know until I experience it.

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