Hello everyone. I had a dream a few nights ago that i actually remember, which doesn't happen very often.

I'm a 21 year old male. Native American descent. My ex girlfriend (the one in the dream below) asked me to stay with her that day because she was going to be home alone because her grandparents were going to be out of town for a few days. We talked about some serious stuff, but not much. I also experimented with cross-dressing with her clothes that night, as it was something i wanted to do for a while and it was something we previously talked about.

From what i remember, it started out in a military barracks, going over battle plans. I was facing 10-12 American soldiers, but someone else was giving the briefing, so i wasn't the General or anything, probably just an assistant. After the plans were discussed, i remembered something about not being able to transport the 10-12 soldiers and their heavy-caliber mounted guns to/from somewhere (i forget). When this news came, their moods went from stoic and professional to immensely scared and frightened. I remember trying my best to calm them down and find a way to transport everyone with as few trips as possible. I think i calmed everyone down by saying that we'll transport their guns first, then them. I picked this so that (if i remember correctly) when the troops touched ground, their guns would already be there and they would be able to immediately defend themselves.

So i walked outside to see my ex girlfriend in casual clothes behind a mounted gun looking nervous, like the other soldiers there, but i remember being very calm. We were on top of a hill, with two rows of guns (One behind sandbags at the top of the hill in a circle, and one around the perimeter of the hill also behind sandbags halfway down the hill.) waiting for (I think) Japanese soldiers to come charging out of the trees. The hill was dotted with many trees, which most of us took cover under. We were firing from the sides of the trees, and through forks in their branches. After i took my place on the mounted gun i noticed i was wearing a pink tank top and a white skirt (I think so anyways, it kinda looked like football pads to me. Could have been that.), but no one else seemed to notice. I was self-conscious, but no one else cared.

After we talked about how nervous and whatnot we were, i offered to take the gun first while she took cover in the barracks. I looked down, and noticed that there was a range setting on the sights, and someone else beat me to it to ask what the range was. So my Commanding Officer, which was to my right, gestured down to a display case that my gun was mounted on top of and i started to look for some rangefinders (which i could not find, as they were only different models of binoculars). When i couldn't find them, i looked up just in time to see the first of a horde of soldiers come charging from the trees. I fired a quick burst, missed by a large distance, and spun the wheel for range to just above '<10,000' (It did not specify Yards/Feet/Meters/Inches/ETC.), which was hitting them with precision.

Strange thing i also remember: I never once looked at anyone else's face. And no one noticed the ranges until i did.

After only about one minute, i noticed that my gun was the only one firing: and i was right. I was the only one left. There were no corpses; they just disappeared. I sound have felt scared, but i either didn't have time for that, or i didn't care. I remember having this surge of either bravery or anger (i forget which) after i noticed. I look back up and see a floating white male in rather good shape, not wearing a shirt, long either black or blonde hair, barefoot, with white pants and a stack of papers. I started shooting at him, but the paper was blocking all of my rounds. But i kept going, getting a few bursts in here and there which i had managed to get passed his pieces of paper. From what i remember, this didn't really do anything, but it made me feel like i was doing something useful. It was then that i noticed that my rounds weren't dropping like they should have, nor did they sound right; They were actually streams of water. I remember not caring what they were, as long as my gun worked, and kept firing. He closed the gap after about five minutes of this, and threw the full blossom of a sunflower at me. He threw it like a frisbee, it spun in a straight line towards me. It hit near me and blew up in a miraculous explosion.

Then my vision moved back, the landscape turned a kind of grey color, and white letters appeared in front of me like i was looking at a television screen. (I don't remember what the writing said). Then i hear a voice all around me, like an announcer, saying something to the effect of: "This is what one simple slip of paper can do. Don't let their propaganda destroy us from the inside out."

Anyone know what this might mean?