Last night I went to bed very sad about a love affair (sigh) and had a strange dream. I dreamt I woke up in my apartment, and felt a lot of fresh air. I got up and discovered that though this was my apartment, there were many more windows, and they were all thrown open. I usually sleep with my windows open no more than a crack. Outside, it was night time. I could see the street outside my house, but it looked a bit different. I realized that someone had broken into my apartment and opened all the windows. I closed one of the windows. Then, I looked around for the intruder but saw no one. I walked to the bathroom, scared, but not as scared as I would probably be in real life. I noticed that the intruder had left a shower curtain (not mine) balled up on the floor of the bathtub/shower. I suddenly realized that he might still be here (weird, because the only hiding spot in my tiny apartment is the tub). I climbed out the window to escape. I am a couple floors up, so i jumped down. Once outside, I called the cops, and the came and searched the apartment while I watched the side alley (which does not exist in real life) for the intruder. The intruder appeared in the alley and both the police and myself chased and caught him. He seemed pretty harmless; not a tough guy.
What do you guys think? Thanks for your thoughts