I would like to know the interpretation of 3 dreams that I had in one night about being robbed.

That night, I couldn’t fall asleep because I was thinking about the possibility of my girlfriend lying about a possible affair she might have had with a married man several years ago. Then when I fell asleep I had these dreams.

First dream, I was being robbed by a woman and a child. I can’t remember much from this dream.

Second dream, I had already been robbed and the kitchen balcony door was open and I also found two cats in my kitchen walking in the mess the robbers left, both were small to medium sized and were white with colored spots on them. The kitchen was that of an apartment where I live in the dream, but it doesn’t look like my actual apartment. In the dream it did feel like home and I was mostly feeling shocked in this dream.

Third dream, I was in the process of being robbed, I look through the window and I see a man standing on the living room balcony, and thought he couldn’t come in because the door was locked, but turns out the door was unlocked and he opened it and entered. I had warned him to stop because I’m calling 911. But he continued to walk towards me and then I had the feeling of wanting to attack him and that’s when I woke up. This apartment was one of my old apartments where I used to live with my girlfriend. In this dream I was feeling scared and angry because in the dream I had a feeling that this man was the man she had an affair with.

Please let me know what you think. Thanks.