Dream I just woke from ... Driving home from my real life job (same car, same road, but the road looked different... Less greenery & there were these tube-like bombs in the medians & in random other places, I think at some point I'd started driving with my knee instead of my hands to either fidget with my phone or radio or something like that, when I notice I'm off the road & headed RIGHT into a bomb (& it's in a long line of them that stretch across the road & connect to the others also... Each one larger than the last I think I recall, & this one was FAR bigger than my car & would not only explode, but would kill me and many innocent people around me, & a yard away I grabbed my steering wheel away to turn away & I'd slowed down & turned around enough to avoid it before I woke.

Random note, when I first noticed the bombs lying in the medians & in random other places (even a few I think in the middle of the road on the other side) all I thought was that something odd was going on, & I noticed later they all said M14 on them. As I got closer to the huge string of them across my road (& had veered off my road a little but would've hit one anyway had I not, & had to turn somewhat sharply to avoid possibly blowing up & causing a huge explosion (which felt like it would be apocalyptic in proportion if I were to go ahead and let my car keep going - which was a consideration just for a moment, though more like mere acceptance of what looked almost hopeless til I - in my head - was like "no, I can avoid this. I have enough time, & it's not only me that this explosion would affect")...

In real life, I'm pretty cautious (almost to a fault) but I do feel I've let some situations out of control & recently dodged them. But was this a warning about a bigger one ahead I'm still paying no mind to somehow?