Thanks for replying with more information about your dream. Below is my interpretation of your dream as if it was mine. Dreams are for each of us to interpret on our own. Therefore, if anything I say below doesn’t resonate with you, then simply discard it. So with that said, off I go…
When I do my own interpretations or that of others, I always start with the location. I could have located it anywhere, at any time in any reality and…I’ve located it in a room with a bed behind me. I’ve learnt that locations help to “spiritually frame in” a dream.
I will take the first of several sidebars here to help you understand the framework I use when interpreting a dream. This one will cover what I’ve learned about beliefs, belief compartments, people and the age of people. Then I’ll return to myself in the room.
In my dreams, things that are made by people are symbols of masculine and things of nature are symbols of feminine. I’ve learnt that before we incarnate, we carefully select the times we will live in, our families, life circumstances, challenges and potential exit points. We then carefully select our personality.
I’ve learnt we do this by selecting approximately 200 different “belief filters”. These are energy filters that have two polarities, a feminine one and a masculine one. We select the degree of polarity we are going to hold the belief, i.e. the degree of feminine or masculine. This then determines the belief vibratory level.
Each belief then works with the other beliefs, each with their own vibratory rate. They literally “filter our reality” by blocking out the greater reality vibrations we actually come from. They create the aura around us and create our thoughts/feelings for each moment.
We constantly tell ourselves about this in our dreams. We use symbolism to show ourselves about the beliefs and their limiting effects on us spiritually. We also show ourselves the “dis-ease’ created by some of our beliefs using colours in our dreams.
In my dreams buildings are symbols of what I call ‘belief compartments’. I’ve learnt that each wall is a symbol of a belief. Furniture within them are symbols of yet more beliefs that work with the overall beliefs to produce what I call are ‘belief effects’.
To symbolize to ourselves the many different types of beliefs we use in all our many lives, we often create our dreams in towns, cities or houses.
I’ve often found that in many of my dreams, people appear in the rooms or buildings. When I first began to record my dreams, many years ago, I frequently found myself in large warehouses full of boxes I had to climb over or in rooms in houses full of furniture. Imagine my surprise when I eventually learnt they boxes and furniture were symbols of masculine based beliefs I had to address first before I got to the walls!
As I spiritually listened to myself, over time, the rooms began to empty. Then I was walking through empty rooms. The next step was to see glass walls, windows and open doors, all symbols of how I was beginning to work my way out of the old belief walls. Then the walls began to disappear. In the end, I was usually flying over the old beliefs.
In many of my dreams when I began to keep a record of my dreams,, I would find myself in multi-storied houses. I then realized these are symbols of numerous belief compartments I use in one or more of my lives.
Then I found myself in towns and cities. I then realized that each one is a symbol of various belief compartments I have used in another life.
I will take another sidebar here and describe what I’ve learnt about people in my dreams…
When I first began recording my dreams, I would often find people in my dreams that I didn’t know or ones that I did know but they were doing strange things. When I tried to literally interpret my dreams, it usually didn’t work.
I had a near death experience 12 years ago that changed me. One of the changes was a determination to learn to meditate. I had stopped and started meditation all my life and had in effect gone nowhere in a hurry. So this time I was determined to stick with it.
I slowly learnt how to touch my “higher self”. One day, the thought came to me to use my higher self to assist me in interpreting my dreams. Then the dream gates swung wide open.
I’ve since learnt that people in my dreams may be who they are, symbols of my masculine and feminine, other lives, teachers, guides, oversoul, aspects of myself, people who I frequently incarnate with, etc.
When I first began to record my dreams I frequently began to see an old couple. They might change their appearance but there was almost always an old man and woman in the dream. Then a young girl and by appeared.
They too sometimes changed but they were now in the same dream as the old couple. However, they were “bit players” in my dreams as the old couple was the ones I was interacting with.
At first, I had no idea who these people were. Then, as I learnt to mediate and apply my higher self to my dream interpretations, my dreams gates swung open.
First, I learnt that the old man and women were symbols of my masculine and feminine. Next, I learnt that the young girl and boy were symbols of the feminine and masculine I could become. So I then used the terms “old masculine and feminine” and “young masculine and feminine” to describe these dream symbols to myself.
As I began to address my underlying beliefs, the old couple disappeared from my dreams and the young ones spiritually grew up.
I’ve learnt that people’s age in dreams is important.
When infants are in my dreams as other lives, this is usually a symbol we are just beginning our journey through the beliefs the dream is about.
When teenagers show up I realize I am making steady progress through my dreams.
When mature adults show up, it’s a sign that I am now spiritually maturing in dealing with the beliefs.
When old people show up in my dreams, I let out a sound of joy! It’s a sign that I am now ready to release the old beliefs.
I then learnt that things made out of natural materials are symbols of feminine beliefs that are now no longer working for me. In effect, spiritually speaking, they are now “dead” for me, i.e. dead trees – wood, etc. So, whenever I am in rooms made of wood or standing on wood, etc. I refer to this in my mind as “dead feminine”.
About a year and a half ago, I felt compelled to put together a free website documenting what I have learnt. At first, I didn’t want to because I felt what I had learnt was akin in my mind to a teaspoon of water compared to all the oceans’ water, i.e. not much. However the feeling persisted.
Today if you go to ‘learningfrommydreams’ dot com you’ll see what I created. If you go there, I suggest you look at 3 things. One is the meditation page where I list all sorts of different ways to meditate. Find one that works for you.
Then I recommend you read the dream discussion paper I posted on the website. It describes the symbolism I’ve learnt including people.
Finally, I recommend you look at the resources page where you’ll find an extensive list of things to look at.
So with this said, back to my dream…
So there I am in a masculine based belief compartment, i.e. a room. Each wall, ceiling and floor are symbols of different masculine based beliefs.
Behind me is “a bed, maybe. It appears to be set in the room I have recently turned into a library/music room IRL, however it lacks the current furnishings. “ A bed is yet another symbol of an additional masculine based belief. A bed in real life can be used for sex as well as for having out of body experiences, i.e. sleeping. So what is the bed a symbol of in this dream? It’s a symbol of having out of body experiences.
Below me is “Grey carpet. Clean.” So, spiritually supporting me is yet another symbol of masculine based beliefs, i.e. a carpet. I will take a short side bar and tell you what I’ve learned about colours in my dreams and then return to the grey carpet.
I have learnt that colours in my dreams are very important. They are symbols of how the beliefs affect different points on my etheric and physical body. The old Hindi’s of thousand of years ago saw three energies swirling into our bodies at several points they called “chakras”. Then they mapped 70,000 different smaller points they called “Nadis”. This then grew to 100,000 points. It was and is an amazing piece of work.
Since I can only see the first 6 inches or so of an aura around a person and I’m not yet able to see chakras, I use this reference for colours and general body location points “The Chakras” by David Leadbeater. You can find free copies of it online.
I find that this is the best reference I can find to date about colours but the colours in my dreams usually go beyond what I find in David’s reference.
So back to my dream…
Grey is a low vibration colour. So I now realize that whatever beliefs the carpet is a symbol of, they are not assisting me in my spiritual development.
“The walls are white. Everything is actually quite bright. Not a sickly white, but a warm white. Bright were it makes it difficult to see. The door is a standard white door. The only table in the room is the one to the left where the man is working. Standard desk. With tools. A closet is behind him (There is actually a closet there too IRL) it acts as a portal of sorts. People come in and out and you can go places from it also. As for outside, I don't believe outside was visible. “
I will take this in chunks…
Everything is a “warm white”. White is a colour of unity in my dreams. This is good news, i.e. I am showing myself how I have spiritually progressed and now don’t have the beliefs the walls are a symbol of affecting my etheric and physical body.
There is a door that is also white. Doors and windows in my dreams are symbols of “Gaps” in my belief walls the room is about.
There are two objects in my belief compartment, i.e. a desk and a closet. When objects are in a belief compartment in my dream, they are symbols of beliefs that I need to first address. As I do so, then the belief compartment, i.e. the room, will empty. As I progress, windows will appear and then the walls will eventually disappear.
The closet is very interesting. A closet is a place where I store things. In this case, “People come in and out and you can go places from it also.” So who are the people? They’re some of my other lives.
At the end of this interpretation is a reference to a fictional trilogy about an Over Soul named Seven that I suggest you read. It will help provide a frame of context for what I call my “other lives”.
To my feminine side, i.e. left is a desk . “The desk. Standard wooden desk. Soild build. Craftsman tools are scattered on it, however the bulk are in a basket/container of sorts on the desk. “
So I am showing myself that I have what I call a symbol of a “dead feminine based belief”, i.e. a desk made out of a dead tree, i.e. my feminine.
On top of the desk are yet more symbols of masculine based beliefs I need to address, i.e. tools.
There are also “Ouija boards are being made by the gentleman. There are a bunch half made where I was sitting. They are wooden, yellow in colour, yet to be stained. the letters have been engraved but not yet burnt in. The planchet was finished, standard style. “
This is VERY interesting. I have not one but many different Ouija boards in this scene, with them half made. I note they are made out of dead feminine based beliefs, i.e. wood. Further, I note their colour – yellow. I make a mental note to myself to check out in Leadbeater’s book which chakras the yellow is. This will tell me where on my etheric and physical body the beliefs are affecting me.
A Ouija board is a symbol of a way of communicating, in the past, with “the other side”. I am sending myself several messages by using them in this scene…
First is that my way of spiritually communicating is now getting a bit “outdated” like the Ouija board. As Jane Roberts and countless thousands of others have experience, one can now spiritually communicate by simply opening themselves up. At the end of this interpretation, I will give you several ideas on how to do this.
Second, I am showing several half finished boards. This is a way of showing myself that there are many other lives I can communicate with. In fact, they’re going in and out of my closet!
Third, I have a ‘feeling” that I could be a physical medium. In the “old days” of the 1800’s and 1900’s physical mediums used closets to then materialize entities. While there was a lot of hoaxes, some of it was scientifically studied. At the end of this interpretation, I will also give you some references to pursue if you’re interested.
This is a wonderful dream by the way!
There were no windows in the room, i.e. I haven’t yet worked on the beliefs symbolized by the walls to create “belief gaps” in them. The lighting is done by my masculine based beliefs, i.e. “Florescent maybe. “”Day, I don't know. Season, perhaps summer or spring.”
Here’s what I’ve learned about lighting in my dreams. Then I’ll return to the lighting in this scene.
Lighting in my dreams is very important. It is a way of symbolizing how much en-lightenment I have with respect to the beliefs the dream is about.
Dark in my dreams is a symbol of where I haven’t yet spiritually explored my beliefs. Sunlight is a symbol that my over soul is assisting me.
When I am in rooms with no windows or doors, it’s a symbol that I am “en-lightening” myself on my own.
If there are windows and the sun is shining through, it’s a symbol that some of my belief walls are beginning to be removed and my over soul is now beginning to assist me.
Morning is a symbol I am beginning to make progress on my beliefs. Noon is a symbol I am now able to shed full spiritual enlightenment on beliefs the scene is a symbol of. Evening is a time when I am in a place of spiritual darkness with respect to the beliefs.
If it’s winter, it’s a sign that I need to reflect on my beliefs since they are frozen. If it’s spring, it’s a time that I am beginning to make spiritual progress on the beliefs. If it’s summertime, it’s a symbol that my work is now bearing spiritual fruit. If it’s fall, it indicates I am heading towards a period where I can reap the benefits by releasing old beliefs.
So I am perhaps in the daytime, i.e. I am showing myself I am making good spiritual progress in addressing the beliefs the room is a symbol of. The season indicates I am working my way towards the fall, spiritually speaking, when I can harvest my work by releasing the old beliefs the walls and objects in this scene are a symbol of.
Now I come to the star of the scenes – the people!
To my feminine side, i.e. left. – “An older gentleman. Large, balding. In workers slacks with a white shirt. Suspenders are on his chest. Approximately 60 years of age. The clothes appear to be made of standard cotton. “
He’s another life. I could have picked any age for him BUT I have selected this. He’s showing me by his age that he is ready to begin to release the old beliefs.
I will take a moment to tell you what I’ve learned about clothes from my dreams and then return to the man.
In my old dreams, I frequently was in places nude and would panic that others would see me (I’m sure readers of this interpretation will have had similar dreams). I was always wanting to get dressed or hide away.
Imagine my surprise when I learnt that clothes are symbols of beliefs we “spiritually wear”. I then have learnt that being nude in a dream is a sign of spiritual progress regarding the beliefs the dream is about.
We are beings where we are both feminine and masculine. We live many, many lives as either sex, sometimes hermaphrodite, gay, whatever. Yet in the world we live in today, being nude is considered somewhat of a “sin”.
So, today, I always rejoice when I am partially nude or wholly nude in a dream. This also applies to footwear.
I’ve learnt as I make spiritual progress regarding a set of beliefs, frequently I am barefoot. Shoes are a way of symbolizing beliefs we use to separate ourselves from our feminine, i.e. ground we walk upon.
So the old man, i.e. my other life, is showing my that we are spiritually wearing YET MORE MASCULINE BASED BELIEFS – i.e. t-shirt and slacks. These belief cover our heart chakra on down.
Finally, I note the old man is sitting down, i.e. requiring spiritual support to see some of the effects of his beliefs.
To my masculine side, i.e. right is another life - a girl. “Similar to myself. She has red hair, in a ponytail. Casual dress. Average build and height. Her task is to assist the older man. Age 18 (I'm 24) Clothes are casual. Standard cotton. Greenish t-shirt with a plaid design and jeans. “
She is another life who is just beginning to work on the underlying beliefs, i.e. she’s a young adult. She’s also showing me that she and I share some masculine based beliefs which are green – I make a note to myself to check out what points on my etheric and physical body this is.
She is standing, i.e. she can now see some of the effects of her own beliefs.
And then there’s my angel guide C…
“Usually appears in whatever form I'm most comfortable with. Seems to be 30 years of age, male, Dressed comfortably yet run down. Has a commanding presence that could crush you if desired. Clothes are standard cotton yet appear dusty.”
So is this C my guide or, is he a symbol? No….he’s a teacher.
Note: I’ve had several different teachers in this life. They come and then leave me when I have learnt what they wanted to assist me on. Further, entities I call my teachers are sometimes myself! At the end of this interpretation, I will put together some additional posts of things you can read to learn more about this.
I note that the greater “I” is both female and masculine. Therefore, our teachers take on an age, a sex and a appearance that will help us learn what it is we need to learn.
So, I realize I look up to masculine based presences, i.e. that’s why he’s a man and not a woman in my contact with him.
Further, he’s dressed comfortably yet run down. “Clothes are standard cotton yet appear dusty.” So he’s trying to appear somewhat casual with me. He’s also sending me a message that his clothing, i.e. a symbol of my own beliefs is now “dusty, i.e. getting old and needs to be addressed.
The most revealing thing is what I think of him “Has a commanding presence that could crush you if desired.” A very masculine based belief way of thinking. Crushing, controlling, hurting, killing, etc.
I will take a side bar here and tell you a personal story where I learnt about love…
Then I had an experience that is still resonating with me today several years late. I was in a mediation circle. At the end of it, I "felt" a presence. It showed itself to me as a premature young boy. I "knew" it was for the woman sitting beside me. At the time, I only knew she was a schoolteacher and had 2 late teen kids. So I turned to her and asked if I could give her a message. She said yes.
I asked her if she had miscarried a baby boy? She said yes. Then the most wonderful thing I've ever experienced occurred...
The baby boy turned into a man and sent pure unconditional love to me. It was something words can't describe. It went to the very heart of who I am. It only lasted a fraction of a second but it has lasted with me ever since. I broke down and began to cry. The lady began to cry. I then told her, her son was telling me that he was always with her. She then replied a medium had brought him through before but she was so glad to know it once again.
He was a teacher for me. He showed me what all of us are at our soul level.
What I’ve learnt from my own journey is that our thoughts literally create our won reality. So, if one has underlying beliefs that result in command and control belief effects, then that’s what we materialize to teach us. HOWEVER, WE ARE ALL BEINGS OF PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
So back to my dream…
I am using my old masculine based beliefs I will refer shortly below as command/control, i.e. “could crush you if desired.”
“The man made an odd grunting sound at my presence and told me not to distract him. That I could be here for a while but I'd eventually have to leave. I don't belong here. “
My other life is siting, i.e. he requires spiritual support to see some of the effects of his beliefs. He’s telling me I don’t belong in this belief compartment. He is trying to assist me. He’s letting me know that I am now ready to begin to address the underlying beliefs this room is a symbol of. I have to eventually leave. It’s my “time” to spiritually awaken.
“The girl isn't overly concerned with my presence, but keeps a keen eye on me. She knows I shouldn't be there, but that I'm not a threat. Like a bird that flies through an open window. Watches the old man intently. I think she's learning from him whilst on guard duty. “
So this dream is all about what I call masculine based “command/control” beliefs. What I’ve learnt from my dreams is that these masculine based beliefs are afraid of my feminine. As a result, I build spiritual, mental and physical walls around myself to protect me from my feminine.
In my dreams, this is usually displayed by a “controller” and a “controlee”. I have lived thousands of lives and played both roles countless times. In this dream the girl is the “controller”. The man is a “controlee”.
She too is trying to assist me. That’s why she’s letting me know that I shouldn’t be much longer in this belief compartment. The old man, the girl and myself share the same underlying beliefs. We are spiritually working together. It’s time for all of us to begin to release the old belief walls.
“C is talking to me through the Ouija board at first. Planchet started shaking rapidly and flew onto one of the boards. It spelled out "Good morning, HeartBreaker". I responded with "C, is that you?" and the planchet moved to "YES". I responded with "I missed you. I thought you didn't want me to contact you anymore?" the planchet then spelled rapidly out "No, that was someone who looked like me who told you that". The conversation was a casual catch up. Uncertain as to what was said, That is just the impression I get. I do recall asking him if he was the blue orbs I've been seeing. He said "No, that's the others watching you". I can't remember if he said spirits or angels though. “
I will take this in chunks…
C begins to communicate through the Ouija board. I am using a masculine based set of beliefs to communicate spiritually, i.e. the board. This is my first lesson to learn – I don’t need it anymore – that’s why he walks out of the closet.
So why the Good morning, HeartBreaker? Remember he is my teacher. He could have selected anything to say to me. Why this? Hmm…
He’s letting me know that my existing beliefs about masculine, feminine, gender, role and relationships is now hindering my spiritual development. Heart breaker, a symbol of a sexual love/feelings no longer working, like a nail through a heart.
“"I missed you. I thought you didn't want me to contact you anymore?" This is me showing that I had a relationship with my “angel” that I missed.
“"No, that was someone who looked like me who told you that". It’s a way of saying that I projected out to myself spiritually, from my higher self, that this relationship was no longer working. It was really a part of me telling myself that the old ways of looking to angels and my masculine to guide me are no longer working.
“I do recall asking him if he was the blue orbs I've been seeing. He said "No, that's the others watching you". I too love orbs!!!! They are symbols of entities who are communicating with us. At the end of this interpretation are some references I suggest you look at to give you a larger frame of reference for the orbs, angels et al.
“I do recall at one point asking if he desires power. He simply responded with a curt but casual "No."”
This is very revealing. I love my old command/control beliefs. I am using these beliefs to filter my reality. So in a command/control belief system one has “higher powers” or one has “lower powers”. My beliefs tell me that someone is always in control. This is my idea of “power”.
These same inner beliefs then manifest themselves out to our “real world”. We have religions that belief in heavens and hells with angels and demons.
I am not saying these are right or wrong or good or bad. This is simply a result of our beliefs. At the end of this interpretation I reference a story for you to read that illustrates my different views of the multiverse we live in.
So my old teacher is letting me know that he doesn’t want power, i.e. my ideas about power are no longer working for me.
In the end, C, my old teacher, comes out of the communication portal, i.e. my old closet, i.e. my old masculine based beliefs for communicating with my over soul et al spiritually.
Now I turn to my thoughts/feelings…
Wen the dream began I felt “Confusion and wonder. My dreams are very vivid. They are much closer to reality than reality is, in feel that is. Slight fear when I saw the Ouija boards. I've heard some horror stories about them. “
So I am learning about myself. I am confused over where I am. I am also filled with a sense of wonder about my greater self. However, my old command/control beliefs are in effect since I am worried about my feminine baaed abilities to spiritually communicate, i.e. “I've heard some horror stories about them.”
“I had slight fear when C contacted me through the board. I thought I did something wrong, given the last dream where he mentioned not to talk to him. I was suspicious of C when he contacted me.”
This is a belief effect from command/control masculine based beliefs, i.e. I am judging myself by how others judge me, i.e. “I had slight fear when C contacted me through the board. I thought I did something wrong…”
“My suspicion was that it might not be C, since I did ask if it was C, anyone could say YES. You know? C's presence is very VERY imposing and commanding. I'd almost say it makes you uncomfortably familiar with your own mortality, it has a certain feel to it also, So I do believe it was him. “
My old teacher was what I needed to learn about myself, i.e. be imposed upon and commanded. I still haven’t released these old beliefs, that’s why my old teacher is back to “haunt me” in effect.
“Towards the end, confusion, suspicion , happiness and concern.” That’s why it’s what I would call a “good dream”. What do I mean by this?
I believe that the belief suits we spiritually wear effectively isolate ourselves from our higher selves. As a result, our higher selves have to work on getting messages through to us. We then construct dreams that affect us emotionally such that when we awake we not only remember them BUT we then seek to make some sense out of the weirdness of it.
The message I am sending to myself is I am somewhat spiritually confused, suspicious of myself, happy and concerned. All of this spiritual “mumbo jumbo” I am generating myself which is symbolized by the room, the desk, the objects on the desk and the cupboard.
If this was my dream however, I would be almost leaping up and down with excitement! Why? I am showing myself I:
• have other lives
• no longer need old ways of spiritually communicating
• don’t need my old teacher anymore
• have some abilities to communicate spiritually I never even thought of!
Therein lies the choice of this dream. If I choose to, I can simply forget this dream OR, I CAN LEARN TO LISTEN TO MYSELF.
Speaking from personal experience, this path is not always easy since one must learn to face oneself BUT IT IS HIGHLY REWARDING.
If I wanted to learn to listen to myself here are some suggestions I could use:
• Learn to listen to my intuition – it’s my spiritual radar
• Keep a dream journal – each night I get a course on myself
• Learn to meditate – this is a way to connect with the greater me
• Read and explore widely – this is a way to enlarge oneself spiritually
There are many ways one can get in touch with one self…
Meditation is one way. The old hindi's of 2,500-3,000 years ago wanted to have out of body experiences. They did this by occupying the conscious mind allowing their inner soul to rise. Today, this is called yoga and the OBE portion is mostly an afterthought.
When they were out of their bodies, they saw energy swirling into the body from the sun, from the earth and from the side. They called these main points "chakras". Then they saw that the energy went into small points they called "nadis".
They then did something that amazes me to this day. They mapped 70,000 different nadi points and then it went up to 100,000.
This knowledge crossed over the Himalayas and went down into China. It became adopted as energy meridian lines. Today acupuncture uses this.
Yoga is simply one of many ways. On Meditation – Learning From My Dreams | Dream Interpretation I list several different ways to meditate. You can go there and see if any one of these resonates with you. If so, then give it a try.
Another way is to use the Hemi-sync technology that Robert Monroe pioneered to help people get to the theta state and have out of body experiences. You can go to the Monroe Institute to learn more https://www.monroeinstitute.org/. Books Bob wrote can be found here *Removed Link*
Another way is to go to a hypnotist trained by the Newton Institute. This was created by a psychologist Michael Newton. About 30 or so years ago, he had a woman under hypnosis who went to a place she called her "live between lives". He then found out that many of his other patients went to a very similar place. He then write three books and began to train psychologists how to do this. The Newton Institute can be found here The Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy. On this website is a link to find a local therapist.
To learn about other lives, I suggest reading a fictional trilogy “Over Soul Seven” by Jane Roberts. She was a great channeler who brought through an entity names Seth in the 1970’s. He wrote many books through her. She also write some.
The books I am referring to are a trilogy she wrote to explain, in a simple story form, complex ideas about us incarnating many times, at the same time. It’s an easy read and good way to get one’s mind around the concept of an over soul and many other lives.
The choice is yours to make. I hope that some of what I’ve said above deeply resonates within you.
With kind regards,
PS I can only insert five links in a reply. Therefore, I will give you some more ideas in the next message.