Does the dream accurately reflect what happens when you're preparing for plays? |
This is a dream I had a while ago, but I remember it and I never figured it out. I was with this guy, we were inside, it was bright, and I think we were rehearsing lines, I guess preparing for a play (I act in community theater). Only he knew his lines- I had my script and was still reading them. Then we were outside, and it was night. We were throwing or hitting a ball back and forth. And it got darker and darker, and I gradually lost sight of him, until it was pitch black and I couldn't see him or anything anymore, and I started panicking. I tried to find any light source, but I couldn't. I wondered why there weren't any street lamps. Then I woke up (still in the dream), with a start, and very upset. The guy that I was with before in the dream comes over out of the dark and comforts me. Then I wake up (for real). |
Does the dream accurately reflect what happens when you're preparing for plays? |
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Singled out from some of my favourite quotes from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: "Risks of [Planet] flowering: considerable. But rewards of godhood: who can measure? - Usurper Judaa'Maar: Courage: to question."
Well, dream interpretation is really hard from an external view and the true meaning may only become clear for the person who had the dream, so i would reccomend that you try to interpretate it a bit, but ill tell you what i think as it might be a bit helpful: i think you have a bit of fear/insecurity about doing things, as you expect them to turn badly before doing them sometimes. In your drems your expectations, unconscious or not, have a massive impact on the plot, as it did on you not knowing the lines for the play while the guy already did, and you losing sight of the guy in the dark. I think you also (maybe related to the little fear of not doing things well yourself or maybe totally unrelated) tend to have confidence on other people, as you expected the guy to come and help you. |
Dark- Thanks for your thoughts. Actually, I'm always great at learning my lines when I do shows- that's the weird thing. I like what you said about guidance, because that was the feeling of the dream- that I needed guidance and reassurance. But I'm pretty confident and independent, so I don't usually feel that way. |
Last edited by Dreamer76; 02-08-2022 at 02:03 PM.
My personal view is that even a very vague thought can manifest much more strongly later on in a dream. I've had long and vivid dreams that I could essentially boil down to thoughts I had a couple of hours before bed. This might not necessarily mean it's a lot more important, but I would say that because dreams have an aspect that gives them a feel of "real" like waking life, with visuals, sound and so on, it's easy to give them more importance than a stray thought, even if their origin is relatively humble. |
Check out the Tasks of the Season - Autumn 2022
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Singled out from some of my favourite quotes from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: "Risks of [Planet] flowering: considerable. But rewards of godhood: who can measure? - Usurper Judaa'Maar: Courage: to question."