This dream starts off as an intense, but pretty much normal dream. It ends in an extremely lucid state. If anyone has any ideas as to the meaning of this I'm open to any ideas since this dream seemed meaningful for some reason. It's long and the lucid part is at the end.

It starts off with me and a group of people, some family members included. We are in a foreign country of sorts and are swimming in the Nile. The river is filled with all sorts of snakes and alligators. (I'm terrified of snakes.) I hate it and am completely terrified. I say how it's close to the worst torture ever. I swim as fast as I can in a panic and then end up on some random gravel road. I'm still traveling in kind of a panic. There's sort of an ominous feeling with something coming after us, but not like a person or anything in particular. I run by this little girl of about two maybe and knock her down in my hurry. I have a little blood on my hand for some reason I wipe it off on my pants. I was going to continue you on because everything felt so urgent, but I turned around to help the little girl up because I felt bad. I look at her knee, and it's bleeding. She doesn't know what it is and asks if she can wipe it off on something too.

Then somehow the dream jumps to me being at some kind of weird town place. I think at first I'm inside something because I walk outside and see the village people about to hang some guy on the gallows. They release the platform, but his hands aren't tied. He's holding onto the noose with his hands and struggling to stay alive. At one point the people who are in charge tell everyone to walk away kind of like he's already dead, but I still see him struggling for life. Then I see some other official type person with a black and white medium sized dog attached to a rope. I ask who's it is and they say it's the guy's who was about to be hanged. This is where I start to gain some control of the dream. I scream frantically at them to cut the guy down. I desperately run up to the platform and see he's cut down just in time. I noticed he's an older man who was very grungy and looked like he could fit the part of a homeless man. Just then I realize I have no idea what this man was being hanged for. He may have deserved it. Either way, I have the dog and ask if it's his. He's tearful and asks for his dog back. He seems sincerely grateful, and I think I might shake his hand. Then I tell him that this is his second chance in life.

After this, I'm completely lucid and realize I'm deep in sleep and had no worries of waking up. I decide to walk around the town and ask random people some questions I had wanted answered. I ask some guy first why I am attracted to a certain guy, who in reality has only hurt me in the past. The guy describes him as being all these great words that I know he's not, and I'm frustrated with his reply. Then I ask some other person what the meaning to life was. They gave me another answer that left me unsatisfied although it's possible that they may have said something like to believe in God. I'm not entirely sure, I just know I was disappointed with the answer so that may not have been it. Then I go back into the little house thing and decide to take some control of the dream for fun. With some concentration, I am able to push my hand through a solid door. Then I make things fly around through the air with my mind, and I think some people watch on kind of in awe. Then I'm speaking to this maybe 30 something year old lady and telling her I'm really from somewhere else. I tell her in my world I'm really lying motionless somewhere in bed asleep. I may even picture this in my mind. I explain to her some about our different worlds and how they coexist at the same time even though life in both our worlds goes on without anyone ever really noticing the other. Then I start to tell her how to get to our world or something to that extent, but I feel consciousness pulling me out of the dream. I slowly drift back to wakefullness before I can fully explain it to her.

Thanks if you made it all the way through!!