I was at the grocery store with my mom and we were getting some groceries. We eventually finished getting them and started to walk to the line. On the way, I saw a boy about my age(14 at the time) with long brown hair(like Harry Potter style, with it covering his forehead). Then, we bought the groceries and my mom left, but I stayed for some reason. Then I saw the boy and he motioned for me to follow him. We started talking and we became friends(like, REALLY good friends, as if we'd known each other for years). After a while, we left the grocery store. Then this fat guy started to follow us. We noticed and started running, and he started running too. Then the guy got into some sort of machine and continued to chase us. A bunch of gas(I'm guessing sleeping gas) came out of the machine and we both passed out. When we woke up, we looked like we were in a giant's house(to put it simply, we were the size of Alice in that room in Wonderland, after she ate the candy or whatever it was). The room we were in had two doorways, a rocking chair, a dresser, and numerous stuffed animals lying around the rocking chair. The first doorway was very wide and across from the wall were the dresser was. The second doorway was the size of a normal door(well, to a giant anyway >.>;), and it was across from the wall with the rocking chairs. Their were also invisible barriers were the doors should have been that kept us from getting out. Anyways...my friend(If he told me his name, I can't remember it ;.;) went over to the first doorway and started banging on it. Then, he also added a few kicks in as well. Then, he eventually gave up and went to the second doorway and started to punch and kick that barrier. I walked up to the first doorway and put my hand up against the barrier. When I did, a small ripple came from it, just like it did when my friend punched and kicked it. It didn't shock me or anything either. Then heard my friend yell out "Let us out, damn it!" and I looked over at him. Then I walked over by the dresser was and started to look around. I finally looked behind the dresser and found a switch that said "On" and "Off"(It looked like a light switch), and it was flipped to "On". I flipped the switch to "Off", and the barriers disappeared. I walked over and stood next to my friend, and we both stared into the doorway. We both looked at each other and I think one of us said something like "Let's go" or "Are you ready?", and then we walked in. It was a hallway and it was pretty dark. We eventually got to the end of the hallway and suddenly we started to float and we had weapons(I forget what kind of weapons though). My friend flew into the room, and then after a few seconds I followed. The room was huge, and it didn't have a floor or a ceiling. I think the walls were a dark blueish color, and there wasn't much light. It would have probably been pretty fun to play around in that room, since there was no gravity, except for the fact that there was something in the middle of the room that wasn't very pleasant. The guy that was chasing us earlier was floating there, but he was ginourmus. I was about the size of his nose. And the other unpleasant thing was, he wanted to kill us. We flew over there and started whacking him with our weapons. I think there were also two other girls there who were fighting him as well. After a few minutes of whacking him, he grabbed me and all of the sudden it felt like he was sucking all of my energy out of me. Right before I was about to pass out/die, my friend hit the guy's arm and he let go of me. All of my energy flooded back into me, and I started to attack him again. Then there was a period of time were I can't remember what happened in the dream. Then I was in a dark blue room(possibly the same on we were fighting in, but there was gravity), and my friend was lying on the floor. I ran over to his side and looked down at him. Then I fell to my knees by his side. I think I thought he was dead, but he may have just passed out, I can't be sure.

When I woke up, I had a really strong feeling that I had to find that guy at all costs(my friend in the dream). It's been over a year since I had that dream, and it's still really vivid and the feeling is still really strong, now more than ever. I have no clue how I would find him, especially since I don't even know a name. I guess all I can really hope for is to keep posting it and have someone say "Hey, that was me!", or something like that...