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    1. #1
      Member Josh_Mac's Avatar
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      Apr 2005
      I had a rather strange dream this morning. I don't know if there really is much to interpret But I'll just lay it down.
      Launched straight into being in our spare bedroom and there is a horse racing track in it (the room was small but for some reason this track could fit in it, you know the sort?). I had put a bet on one of the horses and we were standing round cheering (my mum, sisters and maybe my stepdad?). My horse just pulled into the lead when everything suddenly froze, and a random number appeared in the middle of the track (involved a 6 and a 2 I think it was a four digit number though). It starts to get a bit hazy here though I think goblins had froze the race but I couldn't see them they were saying something but I can't remember what it was I tried to get up from my seat when all of a sudden I was paralyed and everything turned negative(colour wise) and out of my peripheral vision I could see this thing with it's knee on me It was kinda like all energy swirly in a vauge humanoid form and I could feel all this crazy power coming into me. It then said to me something like "I'll give you anything you want" or "I'll give you power" something like that and then I woke up saying "I want some decent Hoes!"

      yeah that was kinda strange wasn't it? Anyone got any vaugue interpretation? Sorry for the lack of info and thanks in advance!
      It says my lucid age is 10 years+ that's true but I still have recall issues

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Dear Josh Mac,

      Horses are an expression of Will and Will Power. Highly Evolved Souls and Dreamers arrive at the point where they must learn to Ride -- to tame their own Wild and Powerful Horse.

      In your dream you are only a spectator. You are evaluating Wills and Will Powers other than your own. And you want to pick a Winner. You are a follower. The focus of your life is on hitching your wagon behind somebody elses successful winning horse.

      Now, I am a bit puzzled concerning that seductive little spirit that managed to fill you with some energy and which made promises of power to you. I would like to know more about the quality of the light. If there was some real Luminosity and briteness, then I would say you lucked out and you have been offered Spiritual Sponsorship by a Angelic Spirit. But if the room had turned dark, then what you might have with your dream is something of a Faustian Deal with the Devil.. or a little demon.

      I've had similar dream motifs. There are Dark Spirits that make seductive promises, but then one falls into a scheme of Spiritual Cannabalism where by such Dark Spirits go about sucking the Energy from you.

      Heck, I once read a treatice entitled "On Spiritual Cannabalism" which warned of various Gurus who were adept at doing the exact opposite of Shaktipat -- of transmitting energy to Students and Devotees. These Dark Gurus entice members in with broad promises and then draws energy from them.

      How can the Spritual Consumer tell the difference between the White and the Dark, between the Good and the Bad. Well, it comes down to the Quality of the Light. If one is filled with Light, then one has been given energy.

      During a Dream one should easily perceive any Spiritual Light, and the absense of such Light should be a Warning Sign.

      If there was some White Light, or any Translucent Light of whatever happy hue and tint, then you are Blessed. But in that context, when you were offerred One Wish by the Gin of the Lamp, all you could think of was to ask for a skanky whore of middling quality. it reminds me of the joke about the '12 inch pianist'.

    3. #3
      Member Josh_Mac's Avatar
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      Apr 2005
      Firstly, Thank you very much for the effort to put into your response I really appreciate that. What you said about the horses I found interesting but that is the very much opposite of me, I have a very clear and unique plan of my future and I am absolutely determined in it and I want to get there with as little help as possible. If I hitched myself behind somebody elses succsses I would be utterly ashamed. Are there any other possible meaning it could have?

      Secondly, that concerning the little spirit in my dream. this has me slightly worried as the the whole room went dark and it was a luminescent red colour. hah hah "12 inch pianist" In regard to me saying "I want some decent Hoes!" I said that in a kind of mocking way because I know promises of power should not be trusted.

      Once again, thank you very much for your input.
      It says my lucid age is 10 years+ that's true but I still have recall issues

    4. #4
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      My only thought is that the horses are indecent hoes.

    5. #5
      Member djaio's Avatar
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      Jan 2004
      this dream probably means you arent satisfied with your current hoes. go out and pimp some decent hoes.


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