Hey, I've had this really creepy ghost dream and I can remember it to the full detail from how it started to how it finished, any how from what I could tell in the dream it looked like I was in what I think looks like my room my dad just came home and had given me a lego kit (when I was a kid I used to be very quick at building lego sets and K'nex sets) then as soon as I got it out of the package this is the best way I could describe it but if you seen lord of the rings (the movie) if you remember when Frodo slips on the ring everything becomes all fuzzy and blurry it went like that... then I saw this pure white cloud in a very windy, ghastly like voice I could only make out two words "Help me" I responded "What?" I knew I was meant to say "With what?" or "What you need help with?" but thats when I woke up the thing I find creepy was when I woke up a car went passed my house with the same whooshing noise as the mysterious voice in my dream...

I was terrefied to go back to sleep for a while afterwards as I just didnt know what the hell just happend there...

thanks for any one who can interpret this for me