this dream happened when i was in grade one, i NEVER knew of martin luther king in my life, never saw a picture of him, didnt know he existed,

my mom woke me up for school after my radio alarm wentand i drifted back to sleep

then the dream started...

there were a bunch of black men in a prison yard with very white prison jump suits, and they were lined in picnic tables about 50

i was in third person looking above them all and i couldnt tell which one but one was giving the I Had A Dream speech (kinda like when you have a ringing phone in real life in your dream)

i woke up and the i had a dream speech was playing on my radio because my alarm woke me up again

i DID know what a black man sounded like so thats probably why the men in the dream were black but why prisoners in white jump suits at picnic tables