Can anyone say what this dream means.. it was a half lucid dream.

I hear a boy has been born by the sister that is in an operating room. But the father of the boy was not there. His name was jeroen (forgot last name). I went on to search for the father. I traveled through th elandscape and finally came to a room with people. There where 2 guys that where brothers that could both be the father. One of them is a normal guy but the other one has a normal body but with three heads on it. The normal guy said that he was the father but I asked the guy with three heads if he was not the father. I am not so sure the normal guy is the father. I took them both to the place where the injured child lay on a hospital bed. First the sister did want to stop the guy with 3 heads to go in but I said to her that I would stick a knife in her belly if she did stop him for I thought he should be there. Then I said I first had to do something first. I lay my hand on the injured childs forehead and say "God please heal this boy, Christ, Mary, Martha pleas eheal this boy, Michale, gabriel, Raphael, Uriel please heal this boy".
Then I ask God one more time. Then I make a cross with my finger over his forehead saying "In the name of the father, the son, the holy ghost, amen". When I said the holy ghost the boy repeated it with me. My voice sounded a bit strange while I said this. Somehow i thought I had blessed this boy once before. Then the boy jumped up from the hospital bed fully healed and a bit impatient. The guy (his father) complained he had to take care of the boy while I walked outside with them. Then with a booming voice I shouted "Huray, Huray, Huray!" and I saw all people put their arms up and cheer while I saw all the trees tremble because of my voice that could be heared over the whole world I thought. Then I shout in the same booming sound "a new King has been born!" and while I say this I see golden decorations around the walls of some big building or castle up teh hill where we are walking towards. The boy says he wants to play horseback fighting near a statue of mermaids.