My group has just started settling down and given me a chance to pay more attention to my sub conscious antics:


I am in the hallway of a dimly lit office building; I have the distinct feeling that I am underground. I am wearing only my ACUs armed with a small pistol and accompanied by an attractive young woman with a deeply tanned complexion and bright brown hair. She is wearing white and is armed as well. We make our way down a six foot wide hallway with the lights out and briefly clear each room. The rooms are all well lit and the light spilling from their doors is the only light piercing the endless hallway. Two of the rooms catch my attention, the first is forgettable; a simple bed surrounded by dull plastered walls and a desk off to one side. I know that this is Hillary Clinton's office/romp room. The other room right next door is Obama's and is much more well decorated. A beautiful oak desk off to the side in the same place as Clinton's, but a wall separates an adjoining room that has campaign posters all over the walls and a round bed with red velvet comforters and pillows and golden headpiece. On the bed are two Sweedish topless women who appear to be twins. A smile crosses my face as the twins take my partner and I into consideration.


Now I am alone, outside of an Iraqi farmhouse in full battle gear armed with my SAW. It appears to be night, but I have my dark eye-pro lenses in for some reason. I am not alarmed as I enter the house and am greeted by none other than Osama Bin-Laden. He is dressed in an off white man dress and he ushers me up the stairs of the mud brick house to the second floor. The upper floor is open(*an unusual trait for an Iraqi house*) and through the one pane less window I can see that dawn is about an hour away. There is a woman dressed all in black standing in an alcove; she says nothing and makes no movement to acknowledge our presence. Bin-Laden leads me to what looks like a small sheep roasting on a spit over a campfire he has started inside. The meat is slightly charred and he cuts off a piece from what I take is one of the front legs and puts it into a piece of samoon(*Iraqi diamond shaped bread*), making an impromptu kabob(*samoon with sliced veggies and usually ground lamb or goat*). As I am about halfway through it, he thanks me for giving him the freedom to rid himself of a useless wife and daughter. I realize that it wasn't a lamb he gave me, but a small child. He then takes a rib from his daughter's body and stabs the woman in black in the chest, killing her.