The dream is a long one, and amounts to about two in a half pages in length, so I greatly thank anyone who takes the time out of their day to help me figure it out. This dream happened quite awhile ago, and I've had attempted to get it interpreted about three times now, but on each occasion something came up and my dream just sort of sat in the air. I refreshed the topic on another Dream forum, but I'm not too confident that it'll get anymore attention than it already has (which is basically nil, save for one reply, and that did not contain an interpretation). To me, this is such an interesting dream that I can't get out of my head, so I'm going to try this new forum out.

I remember going down a highway on a bicycle. It wasn’t a very crowded road, with perhaps only a couple of cars passing me by. To the left and right side of the road were simple houses and trees dotted along the landscape. The sky itself looked rather dim but was pleasantly brighter on the left side behind the trees, so I’d say it was about evening.
Out of nowhere coming from the left side of the road is this giant girl. I don’t mean giant as in round or fat, but I mean literally a giant, like one you read in fictional books. She was very tall, athletic looking, perhaps a basketball player. I believe she also had on a jersey. Anyway, she was rapidly approaching the road, and her footfalls were so powerful you could feel the vibrations in the earth as she walked.
Next thing I know, I’m on the ground with the bike ontop of me, as if I’d somehow fallen. The giant was already so close that I didn’t see any point in trying to get up or make a run for it. I shut my eyes tight and waited for her to squash me. I felt the earth shake and heard the thump of her foot coming down, but I remained completely alive and unharmed. Opening my eyes, I looked to my right and saw that she had stepped beside me rather than on me. I look all the way up to her and can now hear her muttering to herself. She is counting. Counting the number of steps she is taking. When she reached the spot where I was she was at 42, and continued to count as she walked away across the road, yet I could see she was looking straight at the ground, taking care not to step on anything or anyone. I got the impression she wasn’t used to being a giant at all and this was something new to her, because before she went out of sight I heard her say to herself that she was going to her aunts to fix this ‘problem.’
Well, I get up and back on my bike and continue down the highway. Eventually I turn right off the road and pedal through a small wooded area. I see a neighborhood road ahead and turn right again, only I’m at my old childhood neighborhood and was pedaling down the road. I get the feeling I’m being followed and look behind me. There is a small red sports car going at a slow pace. With me being in the center of the road and probably in this person’s way, I make to the left side so that this car could pass. However, as I get closer and closer to the curb the road suddenly slopes downward, and I have to swerve away. The car hasn’t passed me up yet, so I make for the right side of the road. Nothing happens, and the car still doesn’t speed on. I try to go back to the left side but the ground slopes downward again and I have to pull back. This continues to happen for several minutes, with me changing sides of the road and the left side always sloping downward. All this time the red car doesn’t pass me, and I’m beginning to get suspicious it’s only there to follow me for some reason.
Well, I get nervous and pedal hard, turning down another road where my old friend used to live. I rush into her house to see there’s a party going on, but the house is much different than it is in real life. The house is small and divided into living room and kitchen by a wall. The living room is packed with people and I’m trying to shove past them to find my friend. Presently I only encounter her father, and he starts to strike up a conversation with me. I more or less push past him too (I don’t really like him, he’s kind of jerk), and finally find my friend. I tell her I need to use her phone and right that second. But she’s so preoccupied with the party she doesn’t listen until I get so frustrated I turn her around to face me and demand to use her dang phone. She at last gets it for me, and as I put the phone to my ear everything sort of dissolves away and I find myself walking up the stairs of my current house.
I open the door to our bedroom (I share a bedroom with my sister), and I find this tall sign at the center of our room, and directly infront of it is this jagged hole going through the floor. Looking down the hole, I don’t see the dining room below, as I should expect, but rather an area that looked like a jungle, with two men battling in a little clearing. For lack of a better word for them I call them ‘angels,’ because they looked mighty and had large, feathering wings. I look up from the hole and read the sign. I don’t remember what it said, but I do know the sign was blue with four or five large initial letters. I believe they were T.M.U.A.E or A.T.U.E.M., I can't quite remember the order, except that the U was definitely in the middle. Each initial had what the letter stood for in smaller text. I don't remember what the whole thing stood for, but I do remember the U stood for Universe, and somehow it make perfect sense.
Now I notice my sister is on her bed, and she is pouring this golden/yellowish liquid onto the floor. Where the spot the liquid splashes, the floor sort of glitters and shines for a second, then the liquid slowly spans outward across the entire room. My sister then speaks quickly to me, saying I should hurry before my time is up.
I rush into the living room (still upstairs), and start grabbing things or dressing into things, “getting ready” as you might put it. All the while there is this large meter on the ceiling. It looked like a large thermometer. There were numbers listed along its side and the red part was rapidly shooting down the meter. At the very end of the meter is a hole where the red stuff was dripping out of it, and as the red stuff ran down the numbers started to change. They went from higher double digits to lower ones, and then to single digits. The further down the thermometer went, the more slowly it moved, until at last it stopped altogether next to the number 9, and the red stuff dripping out of the meter seemed completely frozen.
This, apparently, was what I had been waiting for and was so “in a hurry” about.
((This is sort of complicated to explain, for now I was in another “plane” of existence, and when the thermometer stopped or froze, I switched planes. Somehow I hadn’t been in the right “plane” before, and now I was. However, it had been rather risky to pull off this task, because I don’t believe I was supposed to try it in the first place. I think I knew that if the “angels” knew I was trying it they would stop me, but once I got ‘switched’ I would not see them, and there would be nothing they could do about it. The golden liquid my sister was spilling onto the floor that fanned out somehow caused this, though I couldn’t explain why))
As soon as the thermometer stops, I bolt for the stairs and rush down them. However, I can’t remember what happened next. It seemed like I had been running in an attempt to try and find a way to stay in this plane I had been switched to, and that I had only a few short minutes to do so, but the next thing I know I’m marching gloomily back up the stairs as though in defeat. I got the impression that I might have realized it didn’t matter how far I ran or what I did, and when the time was up, I’d be back in the plane I started in.
I walk along the hallway, the same hallway that my bedroom was in, but since my departure the hall had extended, and there was a new door at the end. I go down this door, feeling that I knew someone was waiting for me, and I open the door. It is completely empty and bare, with only the windows on the opposite wall. I look to the left, and there is nothing. Look to the right: Nothing. Look back to the left and still nothing. However, as I was turning to look to the right my “time” in that plane was up, and I was officially in the plane I started before. Now when I looked to the right of the room there is a tall dresser and a vanity. There are curtains across the windows. As I turn to look to the left, there, leaning against the wall, is this stern looking man.
He is well-dressed, I think in a gray suit, with short brown or black hair, and he looked to be in his forties, maybe a bit older. I knew that he had always been there, waiting for me even though I couldn’t have seen him in the plane I was in before. I immediately associated him with the “angels” I saw from earlier, even though he looked as human as anything, without wings. I also knew that he was up on the hierarchy, like the leader of the bunch.
He was staring right at me, looking cold with fierce eyes, but for a longest second he didn’t say a word, and I felt it dangerous to do anything to upset him further. I simply waited. At last he spoke:
“Don’t do that again.”
I knew he was referring to my attempting to switch ‘planes’ and that I should never try it again. I also got the impression that he was deciding to spare me any punishment, “letting me off the hook,” as we put it, and that I should consider myself lucky. But even though I was shaken, I was still proud and refused to show any sign of being intimidated. I didn’t immediately leave the room, and we just stood there, silently regarding one another for a second. Then, I said, “Yes sir,” and quietly shut the door. The last thing I remember was heading back down the stairs before waking up.

Things to note:
-The only person familiar to me in waking life that was in the dream is my sister, my friend, and her father. Everyone else I had never seen before.

-I wasn’t necessarily in a “bad plane” to begin with. The 'angels' were there, it is true, but they hadn’t done anything to me personally. I think I even remember talking to one of them, but I didn't include it in the dream because I have no clue at which point this was at. It was only for the briefest of moments, and I do not recall what he said or what he even sounded like (looking back it's like I can see his mouth moving in speech but no words are coming out).
I don't know why I was wanting to switch planes in the first place, I just knew I wasn’t supposed to try, and would have gotten into trouble if I did.

-I don't think I need any interpretation concerning the issue with going into my friends "party" and looking for a phone. I included it because it was part of the dream, but I believe I know what it stands for. You are still free to pull out suggestions from it though.