So there I was in my dream, standing in my room. My roommate was standing in front of the mirror by the sink, and there was blood on the counter. I walked over to see what happened, and he said he was cutting his face, claiming that he was trying to get "the moles." But.. he wasn't talking about the spots on his skin. There were little, black wormy creatures crawling all over his face, poking and squirming in and out of his skin.

I was very confused and shocked. He just continued to try to get these creatures out of his face... with blood everywhere.

Then I noticed a little slit in my skin just above my heart. No blood, no pain, just a little horizontal slit that suddenly opened. I saw little claws coming out. I was freaking out. A tiny creature was coming out of my heart! I reached into my chest and grabbed it.

It was the most disgusting creature I've ever seen. It wasn't even like, something I'd seen on Earth; it was alien, but it resembled a crab. It was about the size of my hand. It was a small, black and brown, fleshy crab thing. It had a shell sorta like a crab, but more triangular. I placed it on its back on my desk so it couldn't get away. It had hundreds of little tiny legs and a few arms with big claws. It was so disgusting. It had little pockets of stringy black flesh extending from inside the whole shell. No eyes, just legs and big claws. It just sat on his back and flailed its legs and claws around.

My dream ended after that.


I've been trying to find a meaning but can't find anything relevant to my current life.

I've heard that a crab is an omen for sickness, and it did come from my heart.. should I get checked out?

What could this possibly mean?