The whole dream was very drab mostly in greys and orange and red. It was dark but the light looked like a city in winter, with the city lights reflecting into the overcast sky and making everything appear orangish. The landscape was very strange, a relatively barren grassy hillside dotted with houses as you would see in an ancient village, except the houses were modern 60's style bungalows.

It began with myself, my boyfriend, and two of our friends who had been travelling in a carport of one of the houses. We didn't know the people, but needed to stop for some reason. The person who owned the home told us we could sleep in the carport, so we flatted the seats in the car (our car which we actually have, a silver honda fit) and levelled out the copious amounts of crap that were in it. I laid down on top to go to sleep, and before anyone else could get in, there was a large thud and rumble and the car started to move backwards. I lept out, and it rolled out of the carport where it was incinerated by a ball of fire. At this point it may have been daytime, but grey and drab, perhaps getting into darkness or just foggy and cold looking.

I believe here we could somewhat see that this was a dragon, or just knew what was happening, and we all ran inside with the homeowner and hid with his family inside the house. We knew that if the dragon could not see you through the windows or hear you, you would be safe. I hid with the homeowner's son who was probably 11-ish in the bathroom, between a window and a shower curtain. We had to stand so close to one another we were touching, and facing each other. He kept talking loudly and I shushed him several times, as you could feel and hear the dragon lurking outside. I am not sure what happened here, but I think it left and we got away safe.

The dragon was a pretty traditional western interpretation of a dragon, winged, scaly, ala Dragonheart.

Jump to another home, from the exterior. The dragon is flying and knocks the roof in and proceeds to attack the family inside. This came as a shock to the family because the dragon was not known to do this. I think he grabs the father and eats him first. I remember next which I thought was very strange, almost humourous because it was somewhat cartoony, the dragon plucking the two children from on top of the bunk bed by piercing them with a fork and eating them, no blood. He then ate or set fire to the mother.

That's about all I can remember, very strange. I can't remember ever dreaming something like this before. It is important to note it wasn't really a scary dream, but had a strange feeling to it. I don't remember ever dreaming of a dragon before, and normally I disregard my dreams as strange but something is sticking with this one for how vivid it was and how much I still remember and how long it has been since I have remembered a dream like this. I used to be fascinated with dragons, and read many books about them and loved dragon movies.