A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream that went like this:

I was in my backyard at night with some friends. We had set up a bonfire and everyone was circled around it, laughing. Nobody talked, though. People were laughing and doing things, but nobody said anything. I was sitting there, and I saw a really bright light zip past in the front of the house. I started to leave, and nobody noticed I was gone. They just kept doing what they were doing. I crept around the house and saw some kind of animal that was faintly glowing. I started to chase it for some reason, and I eventually caught up with it and tackled it. It started hissing and kicking, and I let it go. It stood there. I saw it looked like a small white dog. It had translucent skin and you could partially see it's bones. It talked to me. It said something like "You have captured the unicorn" and it said it would grant me three wishes.
Then I woke up.