When I was 6 or 7 I had a nightmare that freaked me out for a long time.
The dream was set in an old tudor looking manor house. I was with some of my friends and were doing whatever kids do when a party started. All the guests of the party were ghosts of people who had died 100-200 years ago.
I was the only one out of my friends that could see them. The ghosts were generally talking about there former lives and they all seemed very dapperest
I didn't tell my friends about the ghosts & caryed on playing like everything's normal when one ghost who was talking to someone at the top of the stairs noticed I could see him and started following me around. Not long after most of them new I could see them and they were all staring at me like they were angry. Which was weird because they don't say anything they just stared, piercing looks that went right through me. They seemed to be pi***d off that i could see them, as if it was my fault that i could. The dream seemed incredibly real, i could smell the house & the smoke in the air from there pipes & I felt real fear! which is why the dream stuck with me. Any thing in it?