Hey everyone, my first post here. So a few days ago I had a dream where me and everyone from my high school were in the army together. It was in some Asian country with jungles. The Asian soldiers were holding everyone in town at gunpoint looking for people to take away, and they shot this girl I dated in the middle of town(we were walking together). for some reason they pointed the guns at me and waved at me to keep walking.

next part I remember was at night in the jungle with all the other soldiers. I went off to go to the bathroom and ended up lost. I thought i heard the voice of this one kid on my wrestling/football teams whispering to me and walked that direction, saw 3 tigers/leopards or some big cats in the shadows and walked away slowly. everyone was gone when I got back. after a while I saw the guys and went over there. Then this other guy I remember from my wrestling team came up and said I was getting called a deserter and was in big trouble because they got in a battle right after I went to the bathroom.

the last part I remember was everyone lining up one day according to rank and I was walking up the line asking all these random people I remember from high school what rank they were so I knew if I needed to go farther up the line. my rank was mercenary one and I was really close to the front of the line but never found my exact position because I woke up.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!