My dream started out as me in a video game, the rpg type. I would go around as a mage type class, kill difficult monsters, then die and start over. The setting was on a large road with buildings on it leading up a foggy mountain. On the side of the road were giant black towers. I also had the "Exploration" option (exploration being the name it was given in the dream), where I rode an elephant up the mountain, except there were no buildings on the road or monsters. When I reached the top there was a great wall or gate ending the road and a large battle. There were people on my team on horses, and monsters that I was fighting. I heard someone on my team shout, "Asterisk (his name was something like that), give us back the prisoner!" Then this Asterisk guy appears, hes in all black armor. He shouts "NO!" and me and all of my allies begin to attack him.

After that I remember vaguely dreaming about the letter V, and it had some kind of capability to help store spells or hide them.

This was a dream I had a few nights ago, and have since had 2 dreams where I am a character in a video game, and one other where I am a Mage/wizard type character, so Im thinking it has some significance.